Read this article first.
I have had several fucked up experiences working for manipulative people and motherfuckers who will lie straight to your face.
Once, these motherfuckers gave me one site to manage just before the general election. After nearly 2 years handling it, they did not pay me for like 3 months citing the reasons their bosses did not pay them. I was so damn pissed off. But they kept asking me to write after a month they didn't pay and I wrote for 3 months without pay.
Where had the money gone to? Is it true that the bosses did not pay them or did someone siphon off the money to some offshore account? The same thing is happening in the grassroot where those who have the position promised to pay UMNO members for helping them to do some things for the UMNO meeting but then no money had been handed out!
I am sure that the members who had worked hard for them will feel irked and hate UMNO for the bad behaviour shown by them who had not been keeping true to their words. Don't be surprised if UMNO members voted for the opposition due to their frustration.
If you want me to write, you have to pay up. If you don't, then I won't write. What? Do you expect me to work for free? But they persuaded me to keep writing. Bloody fools! Do they expect me to write for nothing and just eat dirt. If I am a billionaire, sure I won't mind doing that.
Hey! People work because they had to eat. If I am a billionaire, I won't mind working for these motherfuckers. I'll just be lazing at home. Surely it's better than being made a fool and not getting paid.
Recently, I was tasked to manage another site. They said after probation, they will increase my pay. After the probation period ended, I casually asked the person in charge about what had been verbally said before. You know about the increase in pay? They kept mum! I knew I was getting fucked up again.
Not only that, the so-called employer or the one that handle the dough should have paid for the fucking broadband. About 2 weeks before my probation ended, this motherfucker did not pay for the broadband which resulted in me and others having to go to either a wifi or a cc to do this fucking job defending the party against the stupid opposition.
Now, if you managed to screw up to the extent of us the writers having to go and find some fucking wifi or cyber cafe and change the location everyday due to what you said about the opposition wanting to find out who is the fucking writer for the site, then WHAT THE FUCK? Not all of us have Streamyx at home you know!
A cybertrooper working from a cc is such a joke! Are you at a cyber cafe now? I am sure that the opposition cyber trooper is better looked after.
It's ironic that you want people to defend the party. Then you treat the same people working their ass off defending the party like trash because actually you are the trash that keeps telling the big boss everything's fine downstairs when you are the one who fucked up.
One more thing. The one doing the job even at 3 a.m. kept getting scolded because they do the job. The ones not doing the job but kisses the boss's arse or because they are related to the boss can get away with murder. This world is so fair! How much will anyone pay me to kiss their ass or assasinate someone? I am willing to kiss anyone's arse if they pay me well!
Do you think everyone likes to write? If that is true, then everyone will be a writer. In order for one to write, one has to read a lot to get ideas on what to write. And reading is boring for the majority of the people. That is why the statistic shows that the average Malaysian only reads 2 books a year.
Kissing the boss's ass won't make up for the fucked up things you've done towards us, the bloggers. Moreover, this all involves cash. Who knows the real amount that you handle each month and how much you pay the other bloggers? Nobody will know if you had siphoned off with only God know how much money when most of the cash is untraceable.
Moreover, I know that some who handles the cash, have no regard or care whether the party wins or losses because they are the ones being entrusted with the money and surely anybody who handles a large amount of money can manipulate and siphon off with some of the money. They don't care about the party but just care about the money.
I care about the party, but I don't give a shit about those motherfuckers. I won't name names but I know you motherfuckers are definitely reading what I am writing here. I just want to tell you to take a hike and fuck off.
If those working for the party are these assholes, maybe UMNO should lose in the next General Election. I don't have to care because obviously nobody cares. So why should I bother?
Maybe I should go and work for the fag Anwar Ibrahim who had generously forked out RM2K each month just to pay off the university students just to give comments in websites. Proves that the opposition definitely looked after their cybertroopers/bloggers welfare in a much better way.
One hillarious thing is that, that person told me that he don't understand what I had written about to rebut the opposition. How can we defend the party against the kiasus if you don't understand what I wrote about? I doubt it you understand what they write about as well. And I can't believe I am working for such an idiot!
So, dear Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.... Do you want me to work for you? Just don't be an asshole and everything will be just fine. And make sure that you are bilingual, will you?
I am sure that most of you cybertroopers out there had been fucked up real good too. Come on! Don't be shy! Just spill the beans.
Working for motherfuckers will surely make you a motherfucker too sooner or later. I know because I can feel myself growing a pair of horns on the head now.
I am now liberated and free as a bird. Now I can bash out at anyone I feel like it, whenever I want too. Here's a third finger for you assholes!
Another thing. Some bloggers (again I will not name names) thinks that they are so high and mighty and good that they bashed out about the other bloggers who are definitely better than them in my personal opinion. That's because they don't know that I have a blog too. Well, for me personally, I won't say or brag that I'm good or what but will just leave it to you bastards and bitches, to judge for yourself. Whether I am talented or not!
Those are the hypocrites who will smile to your face, praise your work and then just stab you in the back!!! And I know who you are but you won't know who I am. Just keep your mouth shut instead of bragging about yourself, comprenez? I am sick of having to wear a plastic smile and agree with what you have to say when as a matter of fact, I don't agree with what you say.
Don't think you are so great when you are not bilingual and cannot even converse well in English. I can converse in English but I don't show off that I can. In addition, I can write better in English too. So before bragging about how good you are, just shut the fuck up! I don't need to hear such nonsense.
Lastly, you guys out there just e mail me and tell me truthfully about how much you are getting paid. I could be screwed up or you could be. Let's exchange some notes so we both won't be screwed.
BTW, anyone who needs a writer due to the next general election which is just around the corner, to rebut anyone or increase your popularity, just e mail me. I'll do the job well so long as you show me the money. Money makes the world go round, not love honey! hahaha
And last but not least, instead of marrying a poor bitch, marry a rich bitch instead, because a bitch will still be a bitch whether they are rich or poor! Am I right or am I right?
At least a rich bitch will give you a comfortable life and life sucks when the majority are hypocrites .... And when my wife's old and wrinkled and not tight anymore like Wan Azizah, I could always do an Anwar and go find a teen hooker to satisfy my desire for a cunt.
Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again. E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at:

Friday, June 17, 2011
Motherfuckers are everywhere
The majority of the cab drivers are motherfuckers who will charge you an exorbitant price to go anywhere that you want to when you know that if they turn on the meter, the price will be much lesser than they charge.
Hence, don't blame the passengers when they don't want to board the cab because of the dishonesty of the cab drivers. It's your lost because you are greedy like a pig.
Just imagine if all the cab drivers are honest and courteous towards the passengers, regardless if the passengers are local or tourists, I am sure they will get more income because people will feel glad to board the cabs.
The authorities should do their jobs and pretend to be passengers to nab these errant cab drivers who seemed to be everywhere. I mean, if the authorities are doing their job on the field instead of sitting on your fat butt, I am sure there will be no corrupted cab drivers as well.
For example, once I tried to board a cab and if the cab turn on the meter, the charge would only be RM5 but other cabs asked for RM10. On another instance, the cab drivers asked for RM20 and when I finally found a cab willing to turn on the meter, the charge is only RM11.
The extra RM5 or RM9 counts a lot to us ordinary folks unlike Ministers who receive high salary and receive all kinds of allowance as well. That is why they can never understand why the ordinary folks like us get mad when the oil price went up.
In addition, if I am rich, I won't be taking cabs but will just drive around in a 2 seater Merc and those RM5 or RM9 will just be given away as tips. Hell take RM30 as a tip. Then the waiters will serve me like I'm a VIP.
Moreover, now the service charge is up from 5% to 6%. However, that is quite fair considering the majority of the Chinese motherfuckers who are rich can get around without paying taxes when they are the ones in control of the economy and they get away by not paying taxes.
I don't care if you don't have a passenger on your way back. You have the responsibility to take passengers wherever they want to go. You have no right to say no! If you don't want to go to certain places where the passengers want to go, why the hell are you working as a cab driver? Why don't you be a motherfucker who extorts money from people instead?
We, as the passengers or consumers have the right not to board motherfucking cabs who want to charge us more than they are supposed to. Just take their cab number down and report them to the authorities.
There is however one thing I would like to praise Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for placing MACC officers in the Customs Department to nab those Customs Officers who receives bribes from either taicos or gangsters or whoever they might be.
However, he had not been that clever when he let out Anwar Al Juburi, the motherfucker who is trying to create chaos in Kuala Lumpur under the guise of Bersih this 9th July 2011 when Al Jub is not that clean.
When people do good things, praise them so that they will strive to do better. When they fuck up, then criticize them. Not the other way round ok motherfuckers?
Hence, don't blame the passengers when they don't want to board the cab because of the dishonesty of the cab drivers. It's your lost because you are greedy like a pig.
Just imagine if all the cab drivers are honest and courteous towards the passengers, regardless if the passengers are local or tourists, I am sure they will get more income because people will feel glad to board the cabs.
The authorities should do their jobs and pretend to be passengers to nab these errant cab drivers who seemed to be everywhere. I mean, if the authorities are doing their job on the field instead of sitting on your fat butt, I am sure there will be no corrupted cab drivers as well.
For example, once I tried to board a cab and if the cab turn on the meter, the charge would only be RM5 but other cabs asked for RM10. On another instance, the cab drivers asked for RM20 and when I finally found a cab willing to turn on the meter, the charge is only RM11.
The extra RM5 or RM9 counts a lot to us ordinary folks unlike Ministers who receive high salary and receive all kinds of allowance as well. That is why they can never understand why the ordinary folks like us get mad when the oil price went up.
In addition, if I am rich, I won't be taking cabs but will just drive around in a 2 seater Merc and those RM5 or RM9 will just be given away as tips. Hell take RM30 as a tip. Then the waiters will serve me like I'm a VIP.
Moreover, now the service charge is up from 5% to 6%. However, that is quite fair considering the majority of the Chinese motherfuckers who are rich can get around without paying taxes when they are the ones in control of the economy and they get away by not paying taxes.
I don't care if you don't have a passenger on your way back. You have the responsibility to take passengers wherever they want to go. You have no right to say no! If you don't want to go to certain places where the passengers want to go, why the hell are you working as a cab driver? Why don't you be a motherfucker who extorts money from people instead?
We, as the passengers or consumers have the right not to board motherfucking cabs who want to charge us more than they are supposed to. Just take their cab number down and report them to the authorities.
There is however one thing I would like to praise Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for placing MACC officers in the Customs Department to nab those Customs Officers who receives bribes from either taicos or gangsters or whoever they might be.
However, he had not been that clever when he let out Anwar Al Juburi, the motherfucker who is trying to create chaos in Kuala Lumpur under the guise of Bersih this 9th July 2011 when Al Jub is not that clean.
When people do good things, praise them so that they will strive to do better. When they fuck up, then criticize them. Not the other way round ok motherfuckers?
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