Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again.
E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at:
A news portal, detik.com had reported that the Indonesian woman who had been reported allegedly raped by Malaysia's Information Communication and Culture Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim had vehemently denied the allegation.
Robengah informed that to four members of the Indonesian Workers Protection and Treatment Centre (BP3TKI) of the Semarang branch who had met up with her and her husband.
The 46-year-old woman stressed in a signed written statement that no sexual advances had been made towards her by her employer.
This is what she had to say about her former employer.
"I worked for eight years at Datuk's home. Everything was fine, I had never encountered any problem, especially related to rough treatment and inappropriate behaviour towards me,” she said in the statement.
"Datuk Rais Yatim is a good man. News reports going around saying I was raped are not true at all. I used to receive money and gifts from him while in his employ,” she was quoted as saying by the detik.com news portal.
"Usually we divide up our duties. I help in catering whenever a function is held in Datuk's home. Besides this I also open the gate when Datuk comes home,” she said.
"As such, news reports alleging that I was raped by Datuk are totally false,” she said.
Jumhur Hidayat, the chairman for National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers had revealed the denial to detik.com.
"The maid has denied the allegation in person and in writing that she was raped and subjected to inappropriate behaviour while working with her employer's family in Malaysia,” said Jumhur.
He said the maid had also made the denial to Indonesia's Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar.
"The maid, who returned to her village in Central Java province after leaving Malaysia, is now living in peace and calm in her tranquil village,” said Jumhur.
Therefore, an opinion by Mariam Mokhtar in Malaysiakini titled "Rape admission and domino effect" which is quoted as written below are biased and slanderous :
Robengah is one poor girl who did not want to tell her story because she feared that she would not be believed. That is on top of the humiliation and the fear. Well we are hearing her now and we will not let her story rest until justice has been served. Malaysians have turned the other cheek for far too long now.
The statement is biased, slanderous, and have Male fide towards the accused minister.
Therefore, if the investigation that had been taken over by Bukit Aman proved negative, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim should sue Malaysiakini and all the other opposition blogs for their defamation aimed to undermine his character as a Minister. Better still! Sue them until they become bancrupt.
I am not surprised at the opposition's or some NGO's that had been formed by the opposition's leaders or supporters had been biased in the recent allegation of a Minister raping his maid had been so quick to accuse and judge.
When it comes to UMNO leaders, all are bad and they will form the worst judgement about a situation. But when it comes to their leader, even though they are communists, homosexuals or deviationist, all is right. What double-standard!
To date, 2 reports had been lodged by members of NGO, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), led by its coordinator, Badrul Hisham Shaharin or better known as Chegubard.
This Chegubard had been so quick to slurs UMNO leaders due to him getting inside information from someone whom we know to well to be the Trojan Horse of Anwar Ibrahim.
That someone seems to be quarelling in public with Anwar Ibrahim but the true fact is that he adored Anwar to bits even though Anwar's a well-known homosexual who indulges in sodomy.
The NGO's associates from PAS also lodged a police report at Jelebu police station and Seremban district police headquarters.
Latest, the alleged rape of an Indonesian maid by a Cabinet Minister, some opposition blogs had divulged as Datuk Seri Rais Yaim had been taken over by the federal police at Bukit Aman.
The case will be studied further before a decision will be made as to whether they will seek assistance of their Indonesian counterparts and Interpol.
At least, on 5th of January 2011, the minister had made an open statement refuting the allegations.
"I refute the allegations, whether they are about raping any individual four years ago (2007) or any other allegation, raised by bloggers on the Internet or by any political entity," he said in a statement.
"I state readily that any report by anyone so far related to this matter should be investigated under the country's laws," he said.
"All written material, reports, extracts and speculation, including illustrations and photographs, published in any blog or website on the Internet so far on the allegation of misconduct or rape of any individual are ill-favoured, malicious and libellous, having been fabricated without any valid legal basis," he said.
The minister said: "The allegation of rape as published by the blogger has no connection whatsoever with the so-called WikiLeaks exposure."
"Any report from abroad or within the country relating to the allegation of the rape of a certain individual in the blogs, websites or other Internet media is a political manifestation intended to destroy my credibility as a member of the Malaysian government administration, where my record of service has never been tarnished by any misconduct in almost 40 years," he said.
"The opposition and those unhappy with the success and people's acceptance of the policy [referring to 1Malaysia] are resorting to stifle it through libel and cheap lies. They hope they can achieve their evil intention by killing the messenger," he said.
"They assume that they can divert public attention away from major cases such as sodomy by raising such speculative exposure and allegations," he said.
At least, this Minister had been straight forward enough to welcome any official investigation on the slanderous claim.
Unlike an old butt fucker who keeps his defence lawyer to get delay after delay on his sodomy 2 case. He also abused his power as the Deputy Prime Minister before in directing the police to catch Ummi Hafilda for alleging him as being involved in sodomy 1 case before.
So, this Minister has more honour than a dishonest gay who hides his liking for the butt by marrying a woman and having children.