| The following article discusses prophecies. Except for some which had been stated in hadith, the rest of it of unknown origin. Therefore please bear in mind that you are supposed to be very skeptic about it. This article is not written to convince you of the truth of these prophecies. I merely wish you to see it from Illuminati’s point of view. It might help us in the future battle if we know what the enemies were thinking. . MALAYSIA IN THE EYE OF DAJJAL By AfterDark http://one.xthost.info/afterdark/ http://afterdarkwrites.blogspot.com/ .
One of the most asked questions regarding the presence of Illuminati in Malaysia is “why are they here”. This is one question that was brought to my intention again and again ever since I reasoned in my previous article that Anwar Ibrahim was a Freemason and that we are moving towards the Illuminati controlled Nation. In my previous article 2013 ILLUMINATI BLUEPRINT I said that the dominoes are falling, and I’m afraid it still does. . Now, before you read further I would like to save your time by telling you first that this is not entirely a politically related article. In fact, every single words contained hereinafter are entirely speculative even though time will tells whether it will become a bull shit or not. So I sincerely advise you to consider this as reading pleasure only. .
  Now, why would the Illuminati be interested in our small 27 million populated country? Unlike the gulf nation that is rich with oil, our country is not bestowed with oil or gold or any kind of natural resource that is sufficient to keep them interested. In terms of politic, the only person who manage put Malaysia on illuminati’s targeting binocular was Tun Mahathir and that happened not because they want our country’s resource, but simply because he annoyed them big time that they consider him the only worthy opponent from this region. . It is worth to mention here that the Watchers Group of which I was once a member has been recently disbanded. However from previous communications shared amongst members, I gathered two possible theories of why Malaysia is important to them. The first theory came from the Muslims members of the group and its good news to us all. The second theory came from the Secular members of the group and it’s a damn nightmare to.. Well at least to me lah. . So for your reading pleasure here the first theory. .THE 1997 CURRENCY ATTACK & THE 2004 EARTHQUAKE . The first indication that we have something that they want (or don’t want depending on how you see it) is the when they launch a major attack on our currency in 1997. This I have already discussed in previous article PRABOWO, THAKSIN, ANWAR IBRAHIM AND THE 1997 CURRENCY CRISIS. It’s pretty clear in that moment that apart from making money, they need to install their proxies in our government in order to control our system. No one sure which one of the Asian countries is the real target. We have to bear in mind however that of all Asian countries at that time (prior to the attack), Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia were the only remaining countries that didn’t consider itself as allies to the Unites States. Thailand for example, despite its reliance to USD Dollars through tourism and sex industry, still revere their King as holy person and appreciate their country’s history as the only country in S.E. Asia which haven’t been colonialised yet. Malaysia and Indonesia pretty much known as anti-Uncle Sam until now and even though I have no specific knowledge of the extent of diplomatic relationship between Brunei and the US, I am pretty sure the Muslims there share the same feeling towards the United States. . Whereas The 1997 currency attack was the indication that they ‘need’ to plant themselves deep into our system, the 26th December 2004 earthquake was the indication that they desperately need to wipe out ‘something’ or ‘someone’ in Acheh one day after Christmas. Why? Well, this is why:- .
 . Contrary to mainstream belief, Jesus of Nazareth is not born on 25th December. The early Christian church did not celebrate Jesus’ birth because they don’t know when his birthday. It wasn’t until A.D. 440 that the Roman church officially proclaimed December 25 as the birth of Christ. This was not based on any religious evidence but on a pagan feast Saturnalia. December 25 was used as a celebration of the birthday of the Sun God (a.k.a Lucifer) where it was observed near the winter solstice. So how does the Pagan celebrate the Sun God? Yep, by human sacrifice. The twenty-five of each month, the pagan cult proceeded to sacrifices on the altar of the holocausts. In fact, formerly, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the priest made on Species 25 signs of Cross ( 3 signs on the offerings, 5 signs preparing the transubstantiation, 1 blessing on the Bread, 1 blessing on the Wine, 15 signs for the remainder of prayers recited). What happened to Acheh is just a modern scale of Human Sacrifice that had taken place since Lucifer descended to earth. A year before Acheh, the same ritual happened in Iran when a 6.6 scale earthquake killed 26 thousand people. . Which led us the second question. Why Acheh? .
 Well, as long as they have decided to please Lucifer with mass murder, they figured why not try to kill the one that matter the most? Ironically, these worshippers of Lucifer are totally accepting the prophecy about the day of birth of Imam Mahadi. Since the prophecy had foretold that Imam Mahadi be born on the year when Solar and Lunar eclipse would occurs in the same month of Ramadhan, they are convinced that Imam Mahadi had been born on November 2003 when the eclipses occurred on 14 and 28 Ramadhan that year. For logic which only they knew, it seems that killing 226 thousand Acheh is somehow related to killing a very-very-very important one year old boy. They of course didn’t know how to locate the needle in the haystack. Therefore with the logic that a single bee can be toast by bombing a whole forest, they decided to nuke the bottom of the Sumatran Trench with a nuclear submarine. . Now, those who only been reading major newspaper for the past 4 years after the tsunami would not know that the world has been buzzing with the accusations of the United States nuclear submarine’s (USS San Francisco) involvement in the attack. The oddity of the earthquake is what gives way to the secret. It was scientifically discovered that the Indo-Australian tectonic plates was moving for more than 10 minutes during the earthquake which is geologically anomaly considering that even the strongest earthquake in history at 9 Richter scale last only for a minute or so. Geologists also confirmed in May that the December 26 earthquake made the whole earth tremble for weeks after the initial quake, and every point on the planet was moved vertically at least 3 centimeters (1/4 inch), a sign that the event was set in motion by a nuclear weapon, causing the tectonic plates which theoretically should have experienced small “warning” quakes to give way in one giant, sudden shake-up. . The fact that man had created a weapon capable of mimicking the destruction of an earthquake is nothing new. Nicola Tesla had once promoted the idea of earthquake machine which he said he had tested on 1897. In April 1997, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997 make a mysterious remarks where he said “Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves”. In fact, on June 2000, the New Zealand Herald had confirmed based on declassified documents that the US and the NZ military had set off a series of underwater explosions triggering mini-tidal tsunami at Whangaparaoa in 1944 and 1945 as part of secret ‘Project Seal’ to see how man-made tsunami can be made as weapon. . I, on personal belief had argued against my friends in the Watchers Group that it is highly unlikely that Al-Mahdi will be born in Acheh. Applying the literal rule in interpreting prophecy, I argued that Rasulullah himself had indicated that Al-Mahdi is an image of Rasulullah. Therefore if Al-Mahdi follows the profile of Rasulullah, then shouldn’t Al-Mahdi be born in Mecca or Medina? . I do however still pondering the alternative suggestion offered by my Muslim’s brothers in the watchers group that the attack was probably directed to prevent the Rise of the Black Banners. .
 . THE RISE OF THE BLACK BANNERS . If you have taken some time to read about Al-Mahdi, then you must have heard about his army from the east known as the army of the black banner. The prophecy foretold us that the army was not personally formed and build by Al-Mahdi. Up to the day when he was chased around Kaabah and declared as Imam, he has no prior idea that he is the much awaited Al-Mahdi. Therefore it make more sense that someone from the East had taken the liberty or accidentally built this army in anticipation of serving Al-Mahdi when the time comes. So I guess you can say that God also sent another important person to do the early groundwork for Al-Mahdi. Later in life, Al-Mahdi will also do the groundwork for Isa al-Masih. Similarly, the Dajjal also mimicked the same strategy. When the Dajjal finally revealed himself, there’s actually already a welcoming parties waiting for him. The Illuminati is doing the groundwork in anticipation of the coming of Dajjal. Therefore when Dajjal finally arrives, there’s no need for him to start from zero. . So who is this ‘the chosen one’ who will be the start of the rise of the Black Banners? . Every Muslims in every region probably are praying that this person would come from amongst them. The Afghans has been known to tell everyone who care to listen that the word “Khurasan” in the prophecy actually refers to Afghanistan itself. The Illuminati took interest in their claim by continuously spending the 20th and 21st century killing the Afghans and torching their land. . However, there were arguments against this. One solid argument refers to the hadith “If you see the Black Banners coming from Khurasan go to them immediately, even if you must crawl over ice, because indeed amongst them is the Caliph, Al Mahdi”. The hadith described Al-Mahdi as already leading the black banners when the Battle of Afghanistan begins. Therefore this suggests that prophecy refers to the time where Al-Mahdi have already been joined by the Black Banners (i.e. after the Kaabah declaration). Therefore the question still lingers of the origin of the person who started the Black Banners before the Kaabah declaration. .
 Fortunately (or unfortunately – depending on how you look at it) some prophecies also appears to point out Malaysia and Indonesia as well. Are we fortunate enough to be blessed with such honor? Or will this become a mere wishful thinking? Well, because the Illuminati has been known with their habits of leaving no stone unturned, these prophecies was eventually made it to their ear. So here they are in Malaysia with their Anwar Ibrahim leading the groundwork, trying to make sure that we won’t be that lucky. . I think there it is no longer a secret about the story of Al-Mahdi being affronted by nine men who bring him out against his will and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. According to an Indonesian legend that was passed from mouth to mouth, a mythical figure by the name of Sabdo Palon has made a prophecy that these nine men will be lead by someone known as Syeikh Malaya. This prophecy gains popularity because in here it is promoted that Sabdo Palon is the famous student of Wali Songo. .
 . Now, whether this prophecy really does exist or not is beyond me. I cannot confirm it because I only heard it from my Indonesian friend within the group. As far as I manage to research by myself, Sabdo Palon is a mythical figure who was said to appear in the 15th century during the war between the Hindu Majapahit versus Islam Demak. It was a religious war, so religiously motivated in fact that Raden Patah as ruler of Demak was assisted by the legendary team of Wali Songo. Legend has it Sabdo Palon was a clairvoyant for the king of Majapahit Prabu Brawijaya and the King brought Sabdo Palon with him during their meeting with Sunan Kalijaga (one of the Wali Songo). It was during this meeting that it was said that Prabu Brawijaya had embraced Islam but Sabdo Palon however refused to follow suit and even cursed the whole Javanese people for leaving Hinduism. His curse was famously cited in the old book “Serat Jangka Jayabaya Sabdo Palon”. . Upon learning about the stories surrounding Sabdo Palon, I have a very serious doubt that Sabdo Palon has ever been the student of Wali Songo. In fact, from the way he loathed Islam; to the way he disappearing in the mist; and to the way he pronounced that he will reappear 500 years later to replaced Islam with another religion – I am pretty sure that he is Satan himself. It was later said that Sabdo Palon did appeared in Bali in 1489 under the name of Danghyang Nirartha and later on changed his name as Haji aji Duta Semu. There he continue to mislead with his teaching of ‘Islam Telu” where the followers may only pray three times a day. . Now, lets forget about whether Sabdo Palon is a Saint of Satan. I might discuss more on Sabdo Palon later in my planned article “The Path of Satan” where I will tried to explain traces of Satan’s presence around the world (currently already 10 pages long and counting.. me so tired to keep on..). . At this point what’s important is that somewhere somehow out there a prophecy had been spread about this “Syekh Malaya” being circulated in the mainstream Internet. In my previous article “” I have explained that Illuminati is the most paranoid group of people who take seriously all sorts of prophecies. They practically funded a special department just to keep watch of any prophecies around the world. The “RAHMAN” prophecy that has been circulated by merely word of mouths but proven to be true in Malaysia even though no one seems to be certain of who spoke of it first. Thus if the people like me and you and the Indonesians can hear about this Syeikh Malaya, then certainly the Illuminati scum had already pick up the news. .
Now,let’s assume for a second that Syeikh Malaya does or will exist, what will that indicate to the Illuminati? Well, my friend’s opinion is that the prophecy indicates only one thing that the Black Banner will indeed raised it flags first in Malaysia before marching the longest march in history to Mecca. Other major prophecies about Al-Mahdi already indicates that the nine people who first approached Al-Mahdi in Mecca already know about the approaching Black Banners army, hence it does make sense that some or at least one of them are member or even the founder of the Black Banners itself. The Sabdo Palon’s prophecy spoke of Syeikh Malaya as the leading figure amongst these men. So what does that indicates about Malaysia? Let’s see again the variables contained in Sabdo Palon’s prophecy. . Syeikh Malaya as leader of nine men + Malaya means Malaysia + the approaching Black Banners = Get the idea? . Another thing which lend a puny credibility to the “syeikh Malaya” prophecy is the name “Syeikh Malaya” itself. The fact that this figure named himself after his the name of his country tells us that this prophecy was made to fit a puzzle mentioned in the prophecy regarding the black banner. . “The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their surnames are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a “Kunya”. . The Watcher’s group (and the Illuminati) has already known the most basic profile of the Black Banners Army. Adopting the Illuminati’s 1st rule of prophecy interpretation technique that all prophecy must be taken literally the Illuminati had concluded that :- . (a) every single members of the armies will adopt their country as a surname and (b) the only reason for this is because the members of the army is truly multinational from different countries and hometown and (c) the armies will march to Mecca through land, and will passed many countries and cities by which they will be joined by Muslims from many places which led to its growing numbers. . For this reason, the Illuminati have already doubted the idea that the armies will consist of Arabs or Afghans only. .
 . For me, the idea that the army could start from Malaysia is possible but still remote. As long as the origin of Sabdo Palon prophecy remains questionable as it currently is, then caution dictates that it could as well be a character concocted by some jerk in the Internet. But, there is 10% in me which would like to entertain the idea, especially when realizing what literal interpretation of ‘East’ could be. Now, not many people know this, but if you use Google Earth to locate Mecca, align its position properly to the ‘ True North’ and then you press your keyboard button to move to the right (East), you will find out that you will eventually end up in a place very near to Brunei. You won’t be able to see this ‘coincidence’ on normal 2D map because the north shown there is not “True North” but “Grid North”. Google Earth adopted “True North” in its programming so you can see the ‘coincidence’ simply by pressing the right button of your keyboard. I however am not going to speculate what this coincidence means. . Whatever it is, the South East Asia is the farthest Muslim region east from Mecca. Therefore maybe it does make sense that the march could start from here. If true, the march will pass through Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the border of India and China, then enter Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and straight to Mecca before pledging their allegiance to Imam Mahadi. One thing for sure, that’s a lot of country for an army to march through. If I am the commander of such a multinational army I would probably do the same of calling everyone in my army with name such as Syeikh Malaya, Hussin Jakarta, Abdul Pakistan and names like that. . Lets take a break from a moment.. I will write the second installment of my ridiculous article for your reading pleasure.. My advise is for you to take this article lightly. In the second installment I will write about a second theory from a secular group of why the Illuminati is interested with our beloved Malaysia. The second theory is full of brief discussion about the prophesied disaster which does make me loose my sleep sometime. So the second installment is a bad news if it turn out to be true. In a way, it also supports the idea why the Black Banners will be coming from our region. . Thank you for reading so far |