OMG! One of the blogs that had been blasting 'Beruk dalam Google' has been right.
I had forgotten what is that blog but the blogger said 'beruk' will be making up sob stories to gain sympathy from the public, saying that he is furthering his studies because his devilish acts had been exposed, and then normally the opposition will come to his rescue in saying how brilliant he is since he is an OxFART pirate, what a lost to UMNO and BN if he quit, to the extend of offering him a post in their party, 'beruk' will then keep on acting gracious, turning down the offer and saying he is an UMNO loyalist.
Bla! Bla! Bla! Sigh!
Bravo to that blogger. What he predicted is so right! It is happening exactly like what that blogger said.
'Beruk dalam Google' are at the end of his wit since the arcatel contract which had been exposed as there are some quarters that had been getting profit by giving out the USD85 million contract to them.
And the responsible parties/persons involved in the deal had received a hefty sum of USD200,000 and USD700,000 in becoming the consultant.
My! My! The culprits involved are now instant millionaires, whom I am sure they will be keeping that huge sums of money in an overseas account to avoid detection locally.
The Malaysian Insider, which had been exposed by Utusan Malaysia as being funded by Kalimullah had been singing praises on 'beruk dalam google'.
Why am I wondering that opposition blogs or pro opposition websites are so interested in praising 'beruk dalam google'? Could it be that he is their Trojan Horse?
Here's are what some of the 'political analyst' said in the article titled "No way up, so Khairy exits stage".
“Stepping down does not mean he’s surrendering but he’s taking time to realign his strategy,” said analyst Professor Agus Yusoff.
Sunway Monash University lecturer Wong Chin Huat believes Khairy could be testing the waters to see what the reaction would be to his withdrawal from mainstream politics.
“He’s still young so he can take time out to further his studies as he says he wants to do and make a clean break from the past,” Wong said.
Meanwhile, this 'beruk dalam google' thinks that he can fool the masses with his recent 'hard work' which is pure acting.
But Khairy, who has mentioned before his desire to take a break from politics and further his studies, lashed out at such speculation on his Twitter account.
“You seen someone merajuk (sulk) work as hard as me? Cross 21 parliamentary kawasan (areas), 5 states in 6 days?” he stated yesterday, referring to his hectic schedule in leading BN Youth’s Jelajah 1 Malaysia programme to help fix damaged houses in those areas.
Errr. I am wondering why you were not working this hard in the past 2 years to garner support for BN and UMNO from the youths? Whenever your ugly face appear in the by-election, that constituency will suffer major losses for UMNO. You are so good in sabotaging UMNO.
Bravo! Cut your own throat because not everyone is blind as you obviously think they are! Nowadays, you had to be seen as working hard because the General Election is just around the corner!
So, this means you will not be keeping to your word when you said you will not be contesting later because your actions now proves the opposite of your lame excuse of taking time off politics to further your studies in becoming a man whore for Anwar!
I also find it hillarious when I read the news in New Straits Times titled "Khairy turns down Pas offer". Your acting is not that good. You should take serious acting lessons from your lover.
In his reply to Pas Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi at the microblogging site Twitter, Khairy said: "Saya ucapkan tkasih kpd @Tantawi100 atas tawaran beliau. Tapi tetap Umno dulu, kini & selamanya"
(I thank Tantawi for his offer, But (I am) with Umno then, now and forever).
So, congratulations to that blogger who can see in advance what this 'beruk dalam google' is going to do next because all had been revealed.
Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again. E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Boycott any dealings with Indians!
The news taken from The Malay Mail below will give bad impression on the Indian community where the majority of us will think that you pariahs are all violent and barbaric.
In Malaysiakini, an article titled "Groups threaten to burn 'Interlok' books" just proves how barbaric these pariahs can be.
You are the pariah caste from India so just accept the fact that you are that. Why are you so ashamed of who you are because that is what you are?
The British brought you pariahs here to TANAH MELAYU or MALAYA to be their slaves, to work like a dog that you are in the rubber industry so that they can drain your ancestors energy to give them income from the rubber that you tapped.
If you want to blame or sue someone, blame and sue the British colonizers because they make you their slaves. They also did that so that Malaya will be under their colonisation for decades so that they can practice divide and rule when there are different races in Malaysia. The British were betting that the different races cannot unite so that they can hold on to Malaya and steal the produce here forever.
If you are not satisfied with the pariah caste that you are, go back to INDIA. See if you get a better treatment there. Better still go to UK and then burn your passports so that you will be illegals there and work as dishwashers.
Vaithilingam adds that the book also instills the idea among schoolchildren that the Indian and Chinese communities are 'pendatang (immigrants)'.
“It (the book) had made us look bad... it is degrading that we are labeled as paria, that we are poor struggling families and that we are immigrants,” he said.
“If it is fiction, then it's fine... But making it seem real and to make it a literature book for the children to learn? This is not the way,” he said.
“It (Interlok) implies that all Malaysian Indians are off the lowest caste, which is the 'pariah'. But that is clearly not true. So are all Indians 'pariah' just because our ancestors are from mainland?” he asked.
Vaithilingam added that that the book does not reflect Najib's 1Malaysia concept.
Pariah! Before you comment on something, make sure you understand what it is.
Look at the vision and mission of DAP's Malaysian Malaysia.
The vision of the party is to establish a peaceful and prosperous social democracy that can unite its disparate races and diverse religions and cultures based on:
1. a Malaysian Malaysia concept by forging Malaysian race with universal moral values,
2. offering equal access and opportunity;
3. democractic governance and rule of law;
4. creating wealth and distributing wealth equitably; and
5. fighting against corruption.
DAP is a splinter party from PAP in Singapore. PAP upholds communism. So does DAP. Whatever name it refers to Malaysian Malaysia or Middle Malaysia, it is still communism.
1Malaysia is an on-going political programme designed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on September 16, 2008, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance.
1Malaysia is not Malaysian Malaysia or Middle Malaysia. It is a concept thought by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to unite Malaysians.
This is due to the racist statements made by DAP and Pakatan Rakyat to divide the people as they had done when DAP went over the line in provoking the Malays until 13th May 1969 racial clash occured.
Bring it on if you want to see it happening again! This time I assure you, we will make sure communism does not exist in Malaysia again.
So, get that straight and don't keep using the excuse of not reflecting Najib's 1Malaysia concept okay, pariah? If you are not satisfied, go back to India where you can become a begger there.
You Indians like to indulge in gangsterism when you get together and bully others. You also like to abuse your wife/girlfriend because you think that you are God's gift to women and women are like animals that you can step on.
There are many illegal temples that appears everywhere and that is the place where you hide your loot after you robbed the bank. By the way, some of you pariahs in India still burn their wives when they don't get the dowry that they asked for.
So before you complain about anyone being discriminative towards the pariahs, look at yourself and your pariah behaviour first. Those are some of the unpleasant facts that you wish to hide but it is happening in your community.
Don't think that you can bully anyone here okay because this is MALAYsia not INDIA! What? So you want to kill me now because I divulge your true colours? That's what you pariah like to do, threaten others to make yourself feel big.
Any realistic Malaysian will feel afraid of any pariah what more with the case of a pariah lawyer who killed Datuk Sosilawati and many more which had been exposed last year.
Boycott all pariah because you will end up being a corpse if you make a deal with a pariah. Pariahs cannot see people get rich on their own accord, so they will lie to you, murder you in the most awful and unthinkable way by burning you with cow dung after stabbing you multiple times and steal your money to make themselves just as rich.
Go to hell with Hindraf, Human Rights Party and other Indian pariah being used by the opposition to destabilise Malaysia!!! The sooner the better.
P/s: A little bird told me that a few months back, a commotion happened in Sunway Mentari when a pariah who tried to steal a motorcycle was nearly caught by a policeman. He called his gang and beat up the police. That area had been monitored by the police after the incident. Fuck you, you pariahs!
Living in fear
Submitted by shaza on Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Mother of abused toddlers threatened at hospital by boyfriend and relatives
Monday, January 3rd, 2011 13:03:00
KLANG: A mother of two toddlers allegedly abused by her boyfriend is living in fear after being threatened by the man and his relatives yesterday at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital here where her youngsters are recuperating.
"My daughter's safety is all I care about," said housewife T. Vijayaletchumy, 21, at the hospital's childrens ward where Nishalini Sere, two, and Harini, one, were being treated for injuries inflicted by the 28-year-old boyfriend for crying and refusing to speak to him.
When The Malay Mail was interviewing Vijayaletchumy, she insisted the two ward guards not leave her children and her alone.
Earlier yesterday, her boyfriend and his relatives attacked her verbally, causing a commotion at the hospital.
One of the guards said the relatives were livid at Vijayaletchumy for lodging a police report against the man.
"They would have hit her if we did not interfere. The boyfriend's family was out of control. They kept on asking her why she lodged a report as this had become a police case."
However, the guards did not alert the police of the verbal assault.
Police, who were still looking for the boyfriend, only came to know of the incident a few hours later.
Shah Alam police chief ACP Zahedi Ayob said the guards should have alerted them immediately so that police could detain the boyfriend for questioning. "We also urge the suspect to come forward voluntarily."
Last Friday, Vijayaletchumy lodged a report against the man, accusing him of abusing her daughters.
In her report, she alleged at 4pm last Wednesday at their rented flat in Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam, her boyfriend tied up the wrists of the two children before slapping and punching them.
Nishalini's eyes were swollen shut and her mouth was also swollen.
Harini had a bruised left eye and cuts to her mouth. The left arm of both children wer e fractured.
Vijayaletchumy said she had known her boyfriend for four months and he was drunk at the time of the assault.
Apart from the injuries, there were signs of old injuries on the toddlers' bodies, including burn marks which were healing.
Meanwhile, the Klang Welfare Department would be taking temporary care of the toddlers after their discharge from the hospital.
Sri Muda State assemblyman Shuhaimie Shafiei had contacted the Department last Friday to make arrangements after being alerted about the case by a worried neighbour who heard the toddlers' cries.
Police had given strict orders to the ward guards not to allow any visitors except Vijayaletchumy's family members. The guards were also told to immediately alert the police of any intruders.
In Malaysiakini, an article titled "Groups threaten to burn 'Interlok' books" just proves how barbaric these pariahs can be.
You are the pariah caste from India so just accept the fact that you are that. Why are you so ashamed of who you are because that is what you are?
The British brought you pariahs here to TANAH MELAYU or MALAYA to be their slaves, to work like a dog that you are in the rubber industry so that they can drain your ancestors energy to give them income from the rubber that you tapped.
If you want to blame or sue someone, blame and sue the British colonizers because they make you their slaves. They also did that so that Malaya will be under their colonisation for decades so that they can practice divide and rule when there are different races in Malaysia. The British were betting that the different races cannot unite so that they can hold on to Malaya and steal the produce here forever.
If you are not satisfied with the pariah caste that you are, go back to INDIA. See if you get a better treatment there. Better still go to UK and then burn your passports so that you will be illegals there and work as dishwashers.
Vaithilingam adds that the book also instills the idea among schoolchildren that the Indian and Chinese communities are 'pendatang (immigrants)'.
“It (the book) had made us look bad... it is degrading that we are labeled as paria, that we are poor struggling families and that we are immigrants,” he said.
“If it is fiction, then it's fine... But making it seem real and to make it a literature book for the children to learn? This is not the way,” he said.
“It (Interlok) implies that all Malaysian Indians are off the lowest caste, which is the 'pariah'. But that is clearly not true. So are all Indians 'pariah' just because our ancestors are from mainland?” he asked.
Vaithilingam added that that the book does not reflect Najib's 1Malaysia concept.
Pariah! Before you comment on something, make sure you understand what it is.
Look at the vision and mission of DAP's Malaysian Malaysia.
The vision of the party is to establish a peaceful and prosperous social democracy that can unite its disparate races and diverse religions and cultures based on:
1. a Malaysian Malaysia concept by forging Malaysian race with universal moral values,
2. offering equal access and opportunity;
3. democractic governance and rule of law;
4. creating wealth and distributing wealth equitably; and
5. fighting against corruption.
DAP is a splinter party from PAP in Singapore. PAP upholds communism. So does DAP. Whatever name it refers to Malaysian Malaysia or Middle Malaysia, it is still communism.
1Malaysia is an on-going political programme designed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on September 16, 2008, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance.
1Malaysia is not Malaysian Malaysia or Middle Malaysia. It is a concept thought by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to unite Malaysians.
This is due to the racist statements made by DAP and Pakatan Rakyat to divide the people as they had done when DAP went over the line in provoking the Malays until 13th May 1969 racial clash occured.
Bring it on if you want to see it happening again! This time I assure you, we will make sure communism does not exist in Malaysia again.
So, get that straight and don't keep using the excuse of not reflecting Najib's 1Malaysia concept okay, pariah? If you are not satisfied, go back to India where you can become a begger there.
You Indians like to indulge in gangsterism when you get together and bully others. You also like to abuse your wife/girlfriend because you think that you are God's gift to women and women are like animals that you can step on.
There are many illegal temples that appears everywhere and that is the place where you hide your loot after you robbed the bank. By the way, some of you pariahs in India still burn their wives when they don't get the dowry that they asked for.
So before you complain about anyone being discriminative towards the pariahs, look at yourself and your pariah behaviour first. Those are some of the unpleasant facts that you wish to hide but it is happening in your community.
Don't think that you can bully anyone here okay because this is MALAYsia not INDIA! What? So you want to kill me now because I divulge your true colours? That's what you pariah like to do, threaten others to make yourself feel big.
Any realistic Malaysian will feel afraid of any pariah what more with the case of a pariah lawyer who killed Datuk Sosilawati and many more which had been exposed last year.
Boycott all pariah because you will end up being a corpse if you make a deal with a pariah. Pariahs cannot see people get rich on their own accord, so they will lie to you, murder you in the most awful and unthinkable way by burning you with cow dung after stabbing you multiple times and steal your money to make themselves just as rich.
Go to hell with Hindraf, Human Rights Party and other Indian pariah being used by the opposition to destabilise Malaysia!!! The sooner the better.
P/s: A little bird told me that a few months back, a commotion happened in Sunway Mentari when a pariah who tried to steal a motorcycle was nearly caught by a policeman. He called his gang and beat up the police. That area had been monitored by the police after the incident. Fuck you, you pariahs!
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