Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again. E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at: life.is.not.a.fairy.tale.dude@gmail.com

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Pariah don't deny your own pariah caste status
Remember Kg Medan? Read more about it here.
And the biased slur by P Uthayakumar in instigation by a Hindraf leader who is a Hindu terrorist. Oh yes! What is the status of your party's action of suing British Government?
Read the violent and uncivilized behaviour of the pariah caste of the Indians in Malaysia and you will feel sick to the stomach.
Remember the gangster behaviour of the pariah caste who had killed a Sabahan in Shah Alam last year? And what Sabahans did to the pariah in retaliation to the heartless killing.
These pariah gangsters are getting more and more violent. Are you tying to incite another racial clash, pariahs? Bring it on and you will see what will happen to you.
When you are a pariah, you will be a pariah even though you are a Malaysian because it is in your blood. That is why you live the way you do!
If they are really from the human caste instead of pariah caste which originated from India, they would not behave like thugs or gangsters which are shown in the Tamil dramas and movies screened on TV.
You have to admit who you, pariahs really are, instead of denying it by looking at the history of the country. If you are not pariahs, why do you act like pariahs which is the lowest caste in India?
No wonder the British colonizers brought you assholes here to Malaysia to be their slaves. Your behaviours are so low-class.
Read what I had written before in boycott any dealings with Indians.
Go back to India if you still behave like pariahs and gangsters who will bully anyone when you are together in a group with other pariahs and feel strong then.
And the biased slur by P Uthayakumar in instigation by a Hindraf leader who is a Hindu terrorist. Oh yes! What is the status of your party's action of suing British Government?
Read the violent and uncivilized behaviour of the pariah caste of the Indians in Malaysia and you will feel sick to the stomach.
Remember the gangster behaviour of the pariah caste who had killed a Sabahan in Shah Alam last year? And what Sabahans did to the pariah in retaliation to the heartless killing.
These pariah gangsters are getting more and more violent. Are you tying to incite another racial clash, pariahs? Bring it on and you will see what will happen to you.
When you are a pariah, you will be a pariah even though you are a Malaysian because it is in your blood. That is why you live the way you do!
Novel Interlok dibakar
KLANG 8 Jan. - Kira-kira 100 penduduk berketurunan India hari ini mengadakan demonstrasi sambil membakar novel Interlok di hadapan Dewan Sentosa, Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) di sini.
Mereka yang mendesak kerajaan agar mengharamkan novel tersebut dan menarik balik keputusan menjadikannya sebagai buku teks mata pelajaran Sastera Bahasa Malaysia tingkatan lima di sekolah, turut membakar salinan gambar penulis novel itu, Sasterawan Negara Abdullah Hussain.
Sepanjang demonstrasi kira-kira sejam itu, kumpulan itu menaikkan poster antaranya tertulis, 'Hapuskan Interlok', 'Jangan Hina Kami' dan 'Fikir Dulu Sebelum Laksanakan' selain menggantungkan kasut pada replika novel itu sebelum membakarnya.
Malah, pada satu ketika, seorang lelaki yang gagal mengawal emosinya dilihat menampar gambar Abdullah dan menggelarkan beliau sebagai 'sasterawan bodoh'.
Turut hadir pada demonstrasi itu, Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja, Dr. Mariah Mahmud dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan.
Ketika bercakap kepada pemberita, Mariah berkata, pihaknya mengaku Interlok adalah karya yang hebat tetapi terdapat frasa yang begitu sensitif di kalangan masyarakat India di negara ini.
"Bagi saya, sebagai orang yang ada pendidikan tinggi tidak terasa apa-apa tetapi di kalangan orang biasa, dia baca rasa tersinggung dan terguris.
"Kalau begitu perasaan orang India kita perlu menghormati mereka, apa yang mereka minta ialah ia tidak dijadikan buku teks, ia boleh dijual sebagai novel tetapi tidak dibaca di sekolah kerana boleh membentuk pemikiran para pelajar," katanya.
Katanya, orang India di negara ini sekarang bertungkus lumus untuk tidak membesarkan isu kasta dan jika boleh, mereka mahu membesarkan anak-anak tanpa mengenal kasta.
"Sistem kasta adalah sejarah yang terlampau menghimpit orang India, jadi kita kena hormati mereka.
"Terpulang kepada pengarang (Interlok) kalau beliau tidak sanggup mengubah frasa terbabit, itu haknya tetapi menjadi tanggungjawab Kementerian Pelajaran untuk menghormati kaum India," katanya.
Sementara itu, Manoharan pula melontarkan pandangan berbeza apabila mahu kerajaan mengharamkan terus Interlok yang telah mula diterbitkan pada 1971 dan ia wajar dibakar selain tidak dijadikan sebagai buku teks.
"Buku (novel) ini harus diharamkan sama sekali kerana ia digunakan kepada pelajar tingkatan lima sebagai teks wajib, harus dianalisis dan terpaksa lulus dalam peperiksaan Bahasa Malaysia," katanya.
Beliau yang mengaku sudah dua kali membaca novel itu mendakwa, terdapat tulisan dalam karya tersebut menyatakan kaum India di negara ini semuanya berasal daripada kasta paria dan ia suatu yang amat sensitif.
Dalam hal ini, beliau membangkitkan konsep kesamarataan kaum dengan menyatakan:
"Kaum India tidak tergolong daripada mana-mana kasta, sebaliknya mereka adalah daripada kasta manusia."
Beliau marah apabila dalam Interlok dinyatakan kaum India yang datang ke Malaysia terdiri daripada keturunan Tamil, Telegu dan Malayalam dan kesemuanya adalah dari kasta paria.
If they are really from the human caste instead of pariah caste which originated from India, they would not behave like thugs or gangsters which are shown in the Tamil dramas and movies screened on TV.
You have to admit who you, pariahs really are, instead of denying it by looking at the history of the country. If you are not pariahs, why do you act like pariahs which is the lowest caste in India?
No wonder the British colonizers brought you assholes here to Malaysia to be their slaves. Your behaviours are so low-class.
Read what I had written before in boycott any dealings with Indians.
Go back to India if you still behave like pariahs and gangsters who will bully anyone when you are together in a group with other pariahs and feel strong then.
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