Coop 1M set to be a successCHEAPER: 'No brand' products rake in RM1.8 million in nationwide salesKOTA KINABALU: THE distribution of Coop 1M products -- cheaper household items without a brand launched in late October last year -- has raked in RM1.8 million in nationwide sales.Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob yesterday said the 30 initial products introduced under the concept had grown to 38 products, with a target of 100 products by June.Coop 1M is a range of daily household items produced by local cooperatives and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are then packed and distributed by Felda Trading Sdn Bhd.It is an effort by the Malaysian Cooperative Commission to reduce the people's burden by providing products that are 30 to 50 per cent cheaper than existing brands without compromising on quality.Ismail said the ministry planned to expand the range to at least 150 products by year-end."We plan to have all grocers and marts selling these products so it reaches the people in all areas."That is why we are also in discussions with certain parties to transport these subsidised goods to rural areas and to also bring such Coop 1M products to the more remote areas in Sabah."Ismail said priority would also be given to suppliers in Sabah, which would be a boost to local SMEs.It will also be logistically cheaper," he said."In fact, we plan to source for more more Sabah SMEs to supply new products," he said at the launch of a Coop 1M distribution centre in Kota Kinabalu. Ismail also launched a Khidmat Mart retail shop transformation programme in Taman Khidmat here.New Straits Times, 18th March 2012
I only hope that Coop 1M products will not suffer a could be sabotage just like what Mydin Hypermarket in Subang Jaya could be suffering when their hypermarket suddenly caught fire.
Read more about it here.
I cannot stop wondering if that is just a coincidence or another sabotage by unknown quarters who could be feeling threatened by the existence of KR1M which is currently run by Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd?
Besides, there are some kind e mail which had been circulating THIS.
Well for starters, that e mail had been passed on to the Chinese who could be feeling threatened when a booming Malay business is threatening theirs.
Just like what NFCorp is doing to help uphold the economic status of the Malay farmers when their satellite farming programme becomes successful.
However, surely other non-Bumiputera farmers could be feeling threatened by the existence of this new programme launched by the government and undertaken by NFCorp that they will do whatever it takes to bring it down thus helping themselves to gain more in the market.
The global market for value for trade in halal food and non-food products is estimated at US$2.1 trillion annually. So, just imagine if NFCorp could only capture just 10% of the total market for both the local and international market which could mean they will be the competitor for the others foreign and local beef producers which may not be that 'halal and toyyiban' because the non-Muslims are in that market.
If NFCorp falls, then hooray for those vultures who are eying the facilities which had been prepared by NFCorp. They won't have to spend a dime to prepare the facilities because it is already there to be taken over!
Luckily there are some businessmen who are close friends of the owner of NFCorp from the Middle East who seems quite interested to put in some capital to help NFCorp continue with its business since other Malay Muslims seems so keen in seeing NFCorp fall flat to its face and rejoicing in it.
Alhamdulillah! And BOO to those people who are also Malay Muslim but wants to sabotage a Malay Muslim business.