Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again.
E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at:
Use 1Malaysia notebook for learning purpose, Rais tells recipients
PEKAN June 23 — Students who have been given the 1Malaysia Netbook for free are advised not to use it for negative purposes but to help them in their studies.
Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said monitoring by teachers at school and by parents at home was vital to avoid misuse of the Internet for purposes that were wrong or immoral.
"Parents and teachers have a role to play in ensuring that the young do not view undesirable materials or upload them onto their websites as there are existing threats of exposure to pornography, lies and cheating through the Internet.” Rais said this after launching a Wireless Village programme and handing over 1Malaysia computer laptops to 645 secondary school students in the Pekan parliamentary constituency, at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lepar, here, today.
He said the young should best use the Internet to change their way of thinking to become wiser, in tandem with rapid development of the technology itself.
In another development, Rais said the national broadband penetration was expected to reach 60 per cent by the end of this year.
He said at the moment, it was 58.4 per cent penetration, exceeding the target set since the National Broadband Initiative was launched in March last year.
The students and parents of the recipients of the 1Malaysia Netbook should be grateful towards the government for being so generous in giving the laptops to 645 students.
The netbook should be used to improve their knowledge and education when their parents installed the internet at home instead of becoming involved with political parties.
Prove to the government that the move to give free netbooks to students reaps the benefits when the students gained excellent results in their studies and will be able to continue their higher learning education to higher learning institutions locally and abroad.
Students should not get involved with illegal demonstrations as well. They should be concentrating on their studies by going for tuitions or to the library to enhance their knowledge rather than wasting time doing useless things.
The schools must dismiss the students caught going to the Bersih 2.0 illegal demonstrations to teach them a stern lesson that it is not worth it to do that. If you are dismiss from your school, will PAS champion your rights for the education that you deserve?
Chinese students are busy studying in the library that they do not know where the bus station is but the Malay students are busy wasting their time doing crappy things.
For instance, you will not see any Chinese going to the illegal demonstration as proven by the Bersih 1.0 in 2007. Most of the participants are PAS members who had been used by the others in Pakatan Rakyat to do their dirty job.
So, think and don't be used by those who wants to fulfill their dirty agenda to create chaos in the country by using a third party which is by using the unintelligent ones in PAS.
Concentrate in your studies and forget politics. You can always join and be a member of the political party that you like after you graduated and start working.
Bersih's demands in line with Islam: PAS Ulama head
KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 23: The head of PAS's Ulama wing said the electoral reform group Bersih's demands for clean and fair elections were in line with Islam.
In a statement to Harakahdaily, Harun Taib (right) said Islam enjoined Muslims to fight those who betray the people in matters of governance.
“It is obligatory upon every Muslim to support whatever actions, words or stand taken in defence of truth, without taking into account differences in religion, race or political loyalty," said Harun.
According to him, spreading the truth and ensuring that corruption and injustice are eradicated was considered as part of jihad (fighting in the way of God).
“Even if such actions (in defending truth) are spearheaded by non-Muslims, supporting them is obligatory," he added.
His comments come amid remarks by pro-UMNO leaders that the Bersih rally on July 9 was against Islamic values because it was led by a non-Muslim, referring to the coalition's chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan.
'Muslims must speak up'
On claims that PAS was not consistent in its Islamic ideology, Harun's reply was that the list of failures by UMNO in defending Islam in the country "is too long".
Harun's support for Bersih echoes another statement by former Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin (left), who described the coalition's intentions as "good", and said Islam encouraged participating in a peaceful rally with such intentions.
"It is forbidden for the demonstrators or police to provoke anyone, resulting in riots. The police should realise that the demands are good for the country and not only for the betterment of the people but also the police," said Asri.
Earlier, a Muslim youth empowerment group said silence on the part of Muslims over injustices would only strengthen corrupt despots.
Islamic Renaissance Front director Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa said Muslim history was rife with instances of Islamic scholars speaking up against unjust leaders.
"Many were imprisoned as a result of their criticisms against rulers of their time. We are the inheritors of this tradition, which provides today’s Muslims with a storehouse of democratic ideas," he added, urging Malaysians to attend the Bersih rally.
Taken from Harakahdaily English version
I am sure that what had been uttered by Harun Taib sound like its coming from a politician and not from an ulama. An ulama will not encourage anyone to attend anything that is illegal and against the law.
I am surprised why the mufti are keeping quiet as a mouse about this issue. They should voice out the truth about what Islam thinks about the Bersih rally in which the participants who will then create chaos and disturbance to the public.
In addition to that, surely the nearby shops will be closed because the owners are afraid that things will get out of hand and their shops will be destroyed due to the unruly behaviour of the Bersih participants.
Haram bertentang nilai sebenar Islam
SHAH ALAM – Demonstrasi jalanan melibatkan pertembungan tiga penjuru antara Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0), Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) dan Pemuda UMNO boleh menjurus kepada hukum haram kerana jelas bertentangan etika Islam.
Penasihat Majlis Agama Islam Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut berkata, tindakan ke arah perpecahan, huru-hara dan mengganggu ketenteraman awam bercanggah dengan nilai Islam.
“Perhimpunan itu tidak membawa kepada kebaikan dan wujud usaha puak lain yang ingin bertembung dalam demonstrasi jalanan terbabit. Ini bukan budaya Islam dan bukan budaya masyarakat Malaysia.
“Islam agama aman damai, sejahtera dan menuntut perpaduan. Masyarakat perlu berfikiran waras. Perhimpunan itu akan datangkan banyak keburukan daripada kebaikan,” katanya.:
Menurutnya, jika berlaku pertembungan antara tiga kumpulan pada perhimpunan terbabit tidak mustahil akan berlaku perkara tidak diingini seperti pergaduhan, tuduh menuduh, kerosakan harta benda dan paling dikhuatiri pertumpahan darah.
Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mhd Tahir berkata, perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 adalah helah untuk mengheret rakyat ke dalam kancah politik.
“Usaha itu adalah percubaan pemimpin untuk uji pengaruh dan kerana itu sanggup menipu lebih ramai rakyat kononnya, sistem yang pernah memberikan kemenangan kepadanya dulu dan sedikit peluang berkuasa sebagai tidak boleh dipertahankan, ia perlu dirombak dan diberikan jaminan baru sesuai dengan keperluan mereka.
Beliau sifatkan penganjuran yang turut disertai Pakatan Rakyat, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan rakyat itu sebagai satu bentuk ‘anarkisme’ yang berlaku kali kedua dalam negara selepas Bersih pertama pada 2007.
Taken from Sinar Harian
Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 45, Oppressions (Al-Mazalim)
Hadith no: 655 Narrated: Abu Said Al-Khudri
The Prophet (SAW) said, "Beware! Avoid sitting on the roads (ways)." the people said, "there is no way out of it as these are our sitting places where we have talks." the Prophet (SAW) said, "If you must sit there, then observe the rights of the way." they asked, "What are the rights of the way?" He said, "they are the lowering of your gazes (on seeing what is illegal to look at), refraining from harming people, returning greetings, advocating good and forbidding evil."
The illegal rally of Bersih 2.0 does not apply for the police permit. The organisers also can find another way to get their message across such as having a close discussion with the Election Commission.
Moreover, the Election Commission had offered to meet up with the Bersih organisers but Bersih refused the offer. This proves that even though there is a peaceful way to solve this problem, the Bersih organisers chooses the illegal way.
Therefore, this proves that the Bersih organiser are politically motivated when most of those who attended Bersih 1.0 in 2007 are PAS members.
Anwar says unfazed by sex video bombshell By Clara Chooi June 24, 2011
SHAH ALAM, June 24 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shrugged off today’s revelation in court that US experts had pointed him out as the man in a recent sex video, maintaining that the entire case was a conspiracy by political adversaries.
The Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader was a picture of calm when approached by reporters asking for his next course of action, at the sidelines of an economic talk at the Quality Hotel here,
Shrugging, Anwar said he had anticipated the outcome of today’s court proceedings, claiming to be unaffected by it.
“I think it is all pre-arranged. The prosecution would, as you know, ensure they get a light sentence and then they would of course try and use this to make inferences.
“I’ve declared very clearly my innocence so they can use whatever they want, quoting some sources... first they say it was somebody from Korea and now they say it was somebody from the US. They can say whatever. It is just a political attempt to smear me,” he said.
Anwar also claimed that several acquaintances had confirmed with him yesterday that Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, one of the key protagonists behind the sex video, had met with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in Parliament yesterday.
“We use the same lift. Quite a number of them spotted him so they cannot deny. We know for a fact that Abdul Rahim was at the PM’s office in Parliament at 11.45am,” he said.
(Left to right) Shuib, Abdul Rahim, and Shazryl smile as they arrive at the magistrate’s court in Kuala Lumpur, June 24, 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May According to Anwar, Abdul Rahim’s meeting with Najib clearly indicated that today’s court proceedings had been planned in advance, and likely handled by the Attorney-General himself.
“That is why I am not even affected by it. This is only a show, to charge them. What is Abdul Rahim’s deal with Najib? This has to be explained,” he said.
Former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim, along with businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim, all of whom make up the “Datuk T” trio, were fined this morning for their involvement in the screening of the sex video at Carcosa Seri Negara Hotel on March 21.
Abdul Rahim was hit with a RM1,000 fine for abetting Shazryl and Shuib, who were fined RM3,000 and RM1,500 respectively.
When asked if he planned on taking action against the trio, Anwar shrugged again and pointed out that he had already lodged a police report on the matter.
“I’ve lodged a report but what action was taken? We all know too well the system that we have here. The only reason why I had to lodge the report although I knew the limitation of the system was because if I didn’t, then they would take that to mean guilt,” he said.
Anwar also admitted that he may now be accused of lodging a false report but said that he would deal with it when it occurs.
He expressed confidence that his supporters would not be swayed by today’s events, adding that most Malaysians were now fully aware of the system.
“And since when do we infer that the authority of morality is left to Abdul Rahim, Shazryl, Shuib or (lawyer Datuk Seri) Shafee Abdullah?” he said.
Shafee had said today that according to a study by experts from the Dartmouth College in the US, it was 99.99 per cent certain that the man in the video is Anwar.
From The Malaysian Insider
Anwar Ibrahim is a master in deceit and will be cool as a cucumber even when he is lying because he knew that he is a great 'orator' who can persuade any of his supporters to believe whatever lies that he spins up.
He can lie smoothly without even blinking his eyes or looking guilty for lying through his teeth.
Therefore, his hard-core supporters will support him even though they had been shown what Anwar Ibrahim truely is; a sex maniac, a manipulator, a traitor and a sodomiser.
This is a true politician because he has no integrity or honour at all unlike those other politicians embroiled in sex scandals will voluntarily hand over their resignation.
Anwar's claim of conspiracy is getting a little bit stale and the truth is that he is the master conspirator, becoming a foreign agent's spy to sell out Malaysia's sovereignty to foreign power.
We can see that when many foreign leaders came to his aid when he was once again charged with another sodomy charge. Even those gay associations came to his rescue.
Why would gay associations defend someone who is not gay if Anwar is not gay?
For me, surely one would not defend someone who is unlike them because I certainly would not do it. For instance, if I supports UMNO, surely I will not defend Pakatan Rakyat and vice versa.
KUALA LUMPUR: Businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuaib Lazim have been charged in a magistrates' court here to openly displaying an obscene film at Carcosa Seri Negara on March 21, this year.
Former Malacca Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik instead was charged with abetting them.
All three pleaded guilty to the charges under Section 292 of the Penal Code.
If convicted they can each be jailed up to three years or fined or both.
They were charged with openly displaying an obscene video clip showing a man and a woman having sex.
They were said to have done so at Bilik Seri Makmur, Carcosa Seri Negara, in Kuala Lumpur between 10am and noon, on March 21, this year.
All three admitted to the facts of the case that were read out to them.
But when the facts of case were read to Shazryl, he said he agreed, but said the expert report from the US did not say “look like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim” but that “it was Anwar Ibrahim”.
Prosecuting were deputy public prosecutor Datuk Kamaluddin Md Said, and Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria.
Representing the three accused were lawyers Zamani Ibrahim, Suhaimi Salleh, and Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Muhammad Shafee said while the sex video that was shown was obscene, the intention was never to corrupt or deprave public morals.
"Instead, their motive was an honourable one - to expose a depraved and corrupt public leader," he said.
He added that the trio had done a public a service and cannot be allowed to walk out of court thinking justice was not done to them. Justice can be done for them by showing them compassion in sentencing, he said.
Earlier at 8am, about 100 supporters of the three known as Datuk T started a rally at the KL Court Complex carrying banners and chanting “Hidup Datuk T.”
There were also about 20 police personnel watching over the crowd.
Perak Perkasa chairman Ahmad Zaini Ismail, speaking on the behalf of the groups at the rally, said they were there to show support for Datuk T and that they had complete trust in the judicial system.
From The Star
When you do something wrong, it's honourable to admit your mistakes. Don't be like some person who will deny the wrongs that they had done.
Sex video case: Datuk T trio fined for showing obscene
KUALA LUMPUR: Businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuaib Lazim were fined RM3,000 in default three months jail and RM1,500 in default two months jail respectively, for openly displaying an obscene film at Carcosa Seri Negara on March 21 this year.
Former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, who was charged with abetting them, was fined RM1,000 in default one month jail.
Magistrate Aizatul Akmal Maharani meted out the fines at about 12.30pm after hearing the submissions from parties earlier Friday.
He said, in arriving with his decision, he had taken the factors of public interest, interest of the accused, and facts of the case into consideration.
“Also, that they had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity in the proceedings and that they are first time offenders,” he ruled.
Prosecuting were deputy public prosecutor Datuk Kamaluddin Md Said and Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria.
Representing the three accused were lawyers Zamani Ibrahim, Suhaimi Salleh, and Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Muhammad Shafee said while the sex video that was shown was obscene, the intention was never to corrupt or deprave public morals.
"Instead, their motive was an honourable one - to expose a depraved and corrupt public leader," he said.
He added that the trio had done a public a service and cannot be allowed to walk out of court thinking justice was not done to them. Justice can be done for them by showing them compassion in sentencing, he said.
Muhammad Shafee then applied orally for the three accused to be allowed to pay the fine on Monday, saying that Datuk T's supporters had insisted on paying the fine for them, and as such it may take a while for them to settle the payment.
The court granted them until 4pm to pay the fine.
All three had pleaded guilty to the charges under Section 292 of the Penal Code earlier Friday morning.
They were charged with openly displaying an obscene video clip showing a man and a woman having sex.
They were said to have done so at Bilik Seri Makmur, Carcosa Seri Negara, in Kuala Lumpur between 10am and noon, on March 21, this year.
Speaking to reporters outside the court complex later, Muhammad Shafee said that the supporters had managed to collect RM22,000 to pay the fine, and would do so when the payment counter reopens after the lunch break.
Earlier at 8am, about 100 supporters started a rally at the KL Court Complex carrying banners and chanting “Hidup Datuk T.”
There were also about 20 police personnel watching over the crowd.
Perak Perkasa chairman Ahmad Zaini Ismail, speaking on the behalf of the groups at the rally, said they were there to show support for Datuk T and that they had complete trust in the judicial system.
Taken from The Star
It's good for them to admit the guilt for exposing the sex video. They had been given the fines for exposing the sex video to the reporters.
However, the same can't be said about the opposition leader. People who don't have integrity and honour should not be a politician because politicians are leaders to whom people look up to.