Bersih's demands in line with Islam: PAS Ulama head
KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 23: The head of PAS's Ulama wing said the electoral reform group Bersih's demands for clean and fair elections were in line with Islam.
In a statement to Harakahdaily, Harun Taib (right) said Islam enjoined Muslims to fight those who betray the people in matters of governance.
“It is obligatory upon every Muslim to support whatever actions, words or stand taken in defence of truth, without taking into account differences in religion, race or political loyalty," said Harun.
According to him, spreading the truth and ensuring that corruption and injustice are eradicated was considered as part of jihad (fighting in the way of God).
“Even if such actions (in defending truth) are spearheaded by non-Muslims, supporting them is obligatory," he added.
His comments come amid remarks by pro-UMNO leaders that the Bersih rally on July 9 was against Islamic values because it was led by a non-Muslim, referring to the coalition's chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan.
'Muslims must speak up'
On claims that PAS was not consistent in its Islamic ideology, Harun's reply was that the list of failures by UMNO in defending Islam in the country "is too long".
Harun's support for Bersih echoes another statement by former Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin (left), who described the coalition's intentions as "good", and said Islam encouraged participating in a peaceful rally with such intentions.
"It is forbidden for the demonstrators or police to provoke anyone, resulting in riots. The police should realise that the demands are good for the country and not only for the betterment of the people but also the police," said Asri.
Earlier, a Muslim youth empowerment group said silence on the part of Muslims over injustices would only strengthen corrupt despots.
Islamic Renaissance Front director Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa said Muslim history was rife with instances of Islamic scholars speaking up against unjust leaders.
"Many were imprisoned as a result of their criticisms against rulers of their time. We are the inheritors of this tradition, which provides today’s Muslims with a storehouse of democratic ideas," he added, urging Malaysians to attend the Bersih rally.
Taken from Harakahdaily English version
I am sure that what had been uttered by Harun Taib sound like its coming from a politician and not from an ulama. An ulama will not encourage anyone to attend anything that is illegal and against the law.
I am surprised why the mufti are keeping quiet as a mouse about this issue. They should voice out the truth about what Islam thinks about the Bersih rally in which the participants who will then create chaos and disturbance to the public.
In addition to that, surely the nearby shops will be closed because the owners are afraid that things will get out of hand and their shops will be destroyed due to the unruly behaviour of the Bersih participants.

Haram bertentang nilai sebenar Islam
SHAH ALAM – Demonstrasi jalanan melibatkan pertembungan tiga penjuru antara Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0), Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) dan Pemuda UMNO boleh menjurus kepada hukum haram kerana jelas bertentangan etika Islam.
Penasihat Majlis Agama Islam Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut berkata, tindakan ke arah perpecahan, huru-hara dan mengganggu ketenteraman awam bercanggah dengan nilai Islam.
“Perhimpunan itu tidak membawa kepada kebaikan dan wujud usaha puak lain yang ingin bertembung dalam demonstrasi jalanan terbabit. Ini bukan budaya Islam dan bukan budaya masyarakat Malaysia.
“Islam agama aman damai, sejahtera dan menuntut perpaduan. Masyarakat perlu berfikiran waras. Perhimpunan itu akan datangkan banyak keburukan daripada kebaikan,” katanya.:
Menurutnya, jika berlaku pertembungan antara tiga kumpulan pada perhimpunan terbabit tidak mustahil akan berlaku perkara tidak diingini seperti pergaduhan, tuduh menuduh, kerosakan harta benda dan paling dikhuatiri pertumpahan darah.
Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mhd Tahir berkata, perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 adalah helah untuk mengheret rakyat ke dalam kancah politik.
“Usaha itu adalah percubaan pemimpin untuk uji pengaruh dan kerana itu sanggup menipu lebih ramai rakyat kononnya, sistem yang pernah memberikan kemenangan kepadanya dulu dan sedikit peluang berkuasa sebagai tidak boleh dipertahankan, ia perlu dirombak dan diberikan jaminan baru sesuai dengan keperluan mereka.
Beliau sifatkan penganjuran yang turut disertai Pakatan Rakyat, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan rakyat itu sebagai satu bentuk ‘anarkisme’ yang berlaku kali kedua dalam negara selepas Bersih pertama pada 2007.
Taken from Sinar Harian
Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 45, Oppressions (Al-Mazalim)
Hadith no: 655
Narrated: Abu Said Al-Khudri
The Prophet (SAW) said, "Beware! Avoid sitting on the roads (ways)." the people said, "there is no way out of it as these are our sitting places where we have talks." the Prophet (SAW) said, "If you must sit there, then observe the rights of the way." they asked, "What are the rights of the way?" He said, "they are the lowering of your gazes (on seeing what is illegal to look at), refraining from harming people, returning greetings, advocating good and forbidding evil."
The illegal rally of Bersih 2.0 does not apply for the police permit. The organisers also can find another way to get their message across such as having a close discussion with the Election Commission.
Moreover, the Election Commission had offered to meet up with the Bersih organisers but Bersih refused the offer. This proves that even though there is a peaceful way to solve this problem, the Bersih organisers chooses the illegal way.
Therefore, this proves that the Bersih organiser are politically motivated when most of those who attended Bersih 1.0 in 2007 are PAS members.
pas lahir hasil dr pemberontakan dalaman diketuai oleh pemimpin2 yg suka memberontak bl kehendak mrk tdk dilayan. maka lahirlah generasi pemberontak yg tegar. segala2nya ditentang sesuai dgn naluri mrk..pemberontak! mrk hanya suka berkhayal & enggan berbincang krn mrk sukakan kekacauan. demonstrasi jalanan yg dipelopori oleh nwar aljub merupakan gelanggang yg pas amat minati... esok2 bila mrk sendiri pegang kuasapun tak akan aman krn mrk juga akan memberontak...
ReplyDeleteBro/Sis Anon 2:51 PM. PAS lahir sebab Ahmad Fuad kalah bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO. Jadi sebab penubuhan PAS pun dah tak betul. Macamana parti PAS nak betul?