Monday, January 10, 2011

Historical facts can't be denied

Interlok papar fakta sejarah, tidak menyentuh sensitiviti kaum

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Jan. - Novel Interlok sepatutnya dibaca dengan kejujuran intelektual kerana apa yang dipaparkan menerusinya adalah fakta sejarah dan tidak menyentuh sensitiviti mana-mana kaum.

Bekas Ketua Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) yang juga budayawan, Datuk A. Aziz Deraman berkata, novel itu mengangkat tema perpaduan dan Interlok sendiri bermaksud jalinan ke arah keharmonian dalam masyarakat.

''Sekiranya Interlok itu dibaca dan benar-benar difahami, kita akan menyedari bahawa ia memaparkan kebenaran dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat di negara ini serta perjalanan ke arah membina negara bangsa," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai polemik buku berjudul Interlok karya Sasterawan Negara, Datuk Abdullah Hussain yang diangkat sebagai salah sebuah novel untuk komponen sastera dalam Bahasa Malaysia tingkatan lima bermula tahun ini.

Bagaimanapun, novel itu mendapat bantahan kerana dikatakan bersikap perkauman sehingga mendorong ia dibakar oleh kira-kira 100 penduduk berketurunan India di hadapan Dewan Sentosa, Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK), kelmarin.

Sambil melahirkan rasa terkejut dengan sikap dan pandangan sesetengah pihak terhadap novel itu sehingga ada yang sanggup membakarnya, A. Aziz menasihatkan supaya buku Interlok dibaca dengan jujur dan tidak dipengaruhi dengan emosi.

Katanya lagi, tindakan membakar novel itu juga tidak sesuai dari sudut keprihatinan masyarakat terhadap ilmu dan pengetahuan.

Justeru tambah beliau, buku itu tidak boleh dilihat dari perspektif perkauman sehingga boleh menimbulkan pertikaian kerana rujukan yang digunakan pengarangnya adalah berdasarkan hakikat sebenar.

''Mengenali Abdullah sebagai seorang penulis, beliau akan merujuk kepada fakta sejarah dalam berkarya seperti mana ketika menghasilkan novel Imam," kata beliau.

Read the news above and you will know that like the Malay saying of "Siapa makan cili, dialah yang rasa pedas".

If the pariah caste are not like what had been portrayed in that Novel, why should they be so quick to react like the uncivillised beast that they are?

Indians seems to have a screw loose. Some of my relatives who married Pariah convert also had experienced for themselves what it felt like to be beaten up by a pariah who can't seemed to be a better person even after they had converted to Islam.

Therefore, any of the Malay women who wants to marry a Pariah is advised to think twice of what will happen to them because beating wives seems to be part of their gens.

These sickos think that beating up the female species proves that they are macho men who are stronger than the weaker species.

It is much better to remain a single than becoming a punching bag of an uncivilized cavemen pariah who thinks that beating up their women is normal or part of their culture when they are drunk after drinking todi.

Moreover, there are lots of single mothers nowadays which proves that quality and responsible men are of the extinct species nowadays.

Unless if that converted Muslim really follows the teachings of Islam or becomes an expert in Islam themselves like Ustaz Ravi or Ustaz Ridhuan Tee.

If not, they will behave like communist who will kill Malays without any remorse.


  1. Memang menyerlah sangatlah sikap PARIAH berpolitik apabila membakar buku yang ada perkataan PARIAH walaupun tulisan itu sama sekali tidak menghina.

    Apabila Azmin PKR mengucap PARIAH dgn tujuan menghina, tidak pula bising.

  2. Are you so stupid to believe that only Indians beat up their wives? Or dumb enough to think that no other race commits sins?

    The readers on your blog are not as stupid as you to think that the Malays are as innocent as you'd like to believe. But the point is, if the book is offensive to Indians, why fight it?

    Grow up, and be sensitive to other races' feelings. I know you're scared, because it's the zealots such as yourself that the RAKYAT are going to drive out of this country in the next GE.

  3. Wake Up
    I cuma nak tanya satu je "mcm mana nak tempek" yang undilah BN tu? where did you get that?

    yang ikhlas
    Ms Pearl :D

  4. Salam Tuan,
    Mohon link ke blog tuan untuk kongsi maklumat dan perjuangan.
    Terima kasih

  5. Bro Kenn. Pariah memang low-self esteem. Tu asyik nak salahkan orang lain. Bukan nak mengubah diri jadi lebih baik.

    Samad. I was just sharing the experiences of my relatives who married pariah who beat them up.

    Ms Pearl. You copy address properties logo Undi BN tu. Lepas tu, you pergi dashboard, pergi ke settings, pilih design, pilih add a gadget, pilih picture, masukkan address property logo Undi BN yang dicopy and paste di situ.

    Bro Laksamana Bentan. Done it. Please link my blog to your blog too. Thanks.


Say whatever that is on your mind. Heck! This is a free country after all. If the racists Chinese can swear at the Malays as much as they want, we can do that as well.

However, I will not be held responsible to whatever that you have to say. The comment is solely the private opinion of the author.