Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again. E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at: life.is.not.a.fairy.tale.dude@gmail.com

Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Security Offences (Special Measures) Bill 2012 to replace ISA 1960
Monday, April 16, 2012
Don't Ask For PTPTN Loan If You Are Unclever

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Reject Zionism and Communism

An article by Beruang Biru
RADIO Kedah yesterday aired an interview with PKR's MP from Sungai Petani Johari Abdul who claimed that Pakatan Rakyat could still maintain its power in Kedah, even without votes from the Indians.
The statement showed how arrogant and proud Johari Abdul is with the current power of PKR in Kedah that he looked down on the capabilities of Indian voters and their contributions towards the development of the state.
We all know that Kedah is one of the states that would come back to Barisan Nasional, not because of BN's power, but it is due to the failure of both PAS and Pakatan Rakyat in keeping a good record, to be compared to BN during the previous years.
They sure did talk a lot, but nothing was ever done as everyone were fighting to be the Chief Minister.
Back when they were the opposition, sure, they could say just about anything. But when they do became the government, then they knew how hard it is to run a state.
Even if there is any 'contribution' that is worth remembering made by PAS in Kedah, rakyat could have thanked them with the constant flash floods due to rampant forest clearing (especially timbers) in Kedah since PAS took over.
Even though we knew that the statement made by Johari Abdul was triggered by his rage over Padang Srai's MP, N. Gobalakrishnan who announced that he quits from PKR in the previous year, but it is not wise for him to inflict his rage over the Indian community in Kedah.
Even a single votes would make a lot of difference during an election at that area.
Johari Abdul did realize that his case along with the trio, Datuk T during the case of the sex clip that involves Anwar Ibrahim, his image was slightly scratched, for supporting Anwar that is. He may seemed 'loyal', but he is quite sneaky behind Anwar.
This is why the value of Johari Abdul from being nominated as a candidate for MP for the coming General Election has decreased. He is aware of that, so that is why he is making statements that could put damage over PKR from both the inside and the outside.
But, it is sad that the Indian community became part of the subject for him to sabotage PKR.
Indians from the state of Kedah should consider the statement made by Johari Abdul to evaluate on who should they choose during the coming GE. It is sad if they are looked down by the ruling party when the fact is, the Indians play such big role in this nation, and this of course, include Kedah as well - even if their population at the state is small.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Writer is a little puzzled on why would DAP highly object on the establishment of the committee that evaluates the development of Lynas Advance Material Plant (LAMP) in Balik, Pahang.
The Parliament is a place where representatives of people make their arguments, would there be any other place that is suitable for rakyat to voice out where they agree or disagree on the plant if its not the Parliament.
What they did was that they fill up people in a bus to Kuantan, then they went around saying that rakyat does not agree with Lynas. Could the number truly justify the opinion of Malaysians as a whole? Unless if it was done in the Parliament, then we might have agreed to that.
Writer are aware that DAP is afraid that the truth on Lynas had been spread among rakyat. This may have occurred due to the tons of lies that thy had made on Lynas. It is now time for people to really know the truth, and it is the time to reveal the man behind these lies to the public.
To simplify things, DAP's disagreement represents the pact of rare earth developers in their forefathers' country that felt threatened with Lynas. This is the group that has been controlling the market all these while and they are scared that they might lose their business. With Lynas coming up, the decided to use DAP as their agent in Malaysia to put a stop in the matter.
Do not get confused, this is not about market competition. Th rare earth product that Lynas would bring is a lot more expensive to be compared to the price that the country who monopolize the business has been offering all these while. Also, the quality and its effect on natural surroundings are a lot heavier on Lynas's side, making it easy to penetrate the European market.
What they have been feeding us is that as if Lynas would devastate the environment etc. That is just a way to put people away from their real motive.
If it is radioactive, has radiation and nuclear, Fuziah Salleh might have just as well made an objection towards the nuclear plant owned by Nuklear Malaysia in Bangi. Coincidently, Fuziah is just temporarily resides in Pahang, Now that is the real nuclear plant, Lynas is not even a nuclear plant, it is just a chemical plant.
Why Fuziah did not make any demonstration or Perhimpunan Hijau at that place?
It is because she does not know anything, she was only used by the chauvinist party, DAP. Without a doubt, the issue is not really about the environment, it is more to protect their 'country''s business in the Mainland. We are still yet to talk about the support that is given by PAS's MP from Hulu Langat, YB Dr. Che Rosli who is also a nuclear expert on Lynas in Malaysia.
Not BN, but even PAS had joined to say no to their lies by providing facts, not rhetorical things.
People, DAP is not even the government yet, or even a part of the Malaysian government. But they had start to become a tool for foreign nations to sabotage our own economy. Just imagin what would happen if they were to rule the country. The issue is a lot bigger than their racist attitude. Fuziah Salleh and Khalid Samad only sees money and power that they are open to be used by DAP.
That is why writer was told yesterday, the ones who make most objections in the Parliament are DAP MPs. Why? Refer above.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
DAP's Godfather Showing His True Power
An Article By Beruang Biru
Karpal Singh really went all out today after DAP's Disciplinary Board took the decision to free P. Ramasamy from the charge of breaking party's discipline.
The reaction seemed odd because last December, he himself wanted to bring his case with P. Ramasamy to the board to be settled.
"After having tongue wars with DAP's General Secretary, P. Ramasamy, its National Chairman, Karpal Singh said, he prefers that the crisis to be channeled internally.
- Malaysiakini, 29 December 2011 -
But, when the decision did not really go his way, he seemed really unsatisfied.
Maybe it is the culture that justice would only be justified through Karpal's way. If it does not go his way, he would go around saying that he is the Godfather and that he is the one who fights for justice.
The war between Karpal and Ramasamy is actually a sequel that came from the small protest that was made by the Indians on Karpal Singh & DAP that has been going on for quite some time and it is seen as something that they use for their political interest.
When he obtain the power, the sacrifice mad by Indians were then made fun of.
Since his argument with Ramasamy broke, quite a number of Indian DAP leaders and members were fired due to their business with Karpal Singh.
This include the recent case of the drop of four DAP members who joined the Hindu Finance Board and the State Board of Appeal.
In the matter, Bernama reported that Karpal Singh confirmed that four of DAP leaders had took the decision to drop four party members, who were appointed by Ramasamy who is also the Second Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, from the Hindu Finance Board and the State Board of Appeal within the coming period.
- Malaysiakini, 18 March 2012 -
Just with some little critic, he dug on just about anyone who supported P. Ramasamy and brought them out of the picture.
Even back then, when there was an open protest about Lim Kit Siang's dictatorship that was organized by Wee Cho Keong, many DAP leaders became victims of Lim Kit Siang's wrath.
Everything was done to protect their position in DAP.
Lim Kit Siang was with his own agenda which is to retain his 'dynasty' in DAP and so is Karpal in putting his 'kids' as the party's centre leaders.
DAP who was going about fighting about the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression somehow turn to a party of his family members which can only be followed by loyal followers.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Stories about bread and vultures

Coop 1M set to be a successCHEAPER: 'No brand' products rake in RM1.8 million in nationwide salesKOTA KINABALU: THE distribution of Coop 1M products -- cheaper household items without a brand launched in late October last year -- has raked in RM1.8 million in nationwide sales.Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob yesterday said the 30 initial products introduced under the concept had grown to 38 products, with a target of 100 products by June.Coop 1M is a range of daily household items produced by local cooperatives and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are then packed and distributed by Felda Trading Sdn Bhd.It is an effort by the Malaysian Cooperative Commission to reduce the people's burden by providing products that are 30 to 50 per cent cheaper than existing brands without compromising on quality.Ismail said the ministry planned to expand the range to at least 150 products by year-end."We plan to have all grocers and marts selling these products so it reaches the people in all areas."That is why we are also in discussions with certain parties to transport these subsidised goods to rural areas and to also bring such Coop 1M products to the more remote areas in Sabah."Ismail said priority would also be given to suppliers in Sabah, which would be a boost to local SMEs.It will also be logistically cheaper," he said."In fact, we plan to source for more more Sabah SMEs to supply new products," he said at the launch of a Coop 1M distribution centre in Kota Kinabalu. Ismail also launched a Khidmat Mart retail shop transformation programme in Taman Khidmat here.New Straits Times, 18th March 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
A post by one contributor called Beruang Biru
Friday, March 9, 2012
NFCorp denies buying commercial properties in Bangsar

PETALING JAYA: The National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) has denied purchasing eight commercial properties in Bang-sar using a government soft loan as leverage.In a two-paragraph statement, the company denied the allegations which were raised by the Opposition.PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli had claimed that NFCorp executive chairman Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail had used the funds to obtain loans for eight shoplot units in the new KL Eco City development in Jalan Bangsar.In a press conference on Wednesday, Rafizi claimed that the shoplot units were worth a forced-sale value of RM9.69mil.Women, Family and Com-munity Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who is Dr Mohamad Salleh’s wife, had stated that she was not involved in the KL Eco City project.NFCorp has been embroiled in controversy after it was revealed that a RM250mil soft loan given by the Government for a national cattle-rearing project was used for unrelated activities.The Star, 9 March 2012
An eye for an eye

Teacher gets 18 years' jail for pupil's deathALOR STAR: A religious teacher was sentenced to 18 years' jail after he pleaded guilty to culpable homicide not amounting to murder of a 7-year-old pupil last year.High Court Judicial Commissioner Mohd Zaki Abdul Wahab ordered the sentence against Hanif Mohd Ali, 28, to begin from the day he was detained.Hanif, who was also a hostel warden, was initially charged under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murdering Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee at the hostel of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al Furqan in Jejawi, Perlis, between 6pm and midnight on March 31, 2011.Mohd Zaki reduced the charge to Section 304 (a) of the Penal Code for the same offence on Tuesday after he found that the prosecution had failed to establish a prima facie case against the accused under Section 302.While entering his defence, Hanif pleaded guilty to the lesser charge which provided for a maximum 30 years' jail term upon conviction.A post-mortem conducted on the victim showed that Saiful Syazani had succumbed to oxygen deficiency to the brain from intense compression to the neck.A total of 25 witnesses were called to testify.Deputy public prosecutors Noorin Badaruddin and Nadia Hanim Mohd Tajuddin prosecuted.Counsels Ariff Azami Hussein, Azizul Shariman Mat Yusoff, Zulmi Sabri and Mohd Fikri Abdul Rahman appeared for Hanif.New Straits Times, 7 March 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
If you hate your son or daughter put them in PASTI

Warden ordered to enter defence over pupil's death
ALOR STAR: The High Court here yesterday ordered a hostel warden to enter his defence to a charge of causing the death of one of his pupils in Jejawi, Perlis, last year.In making the order, judicial commissioner Mohd Zaki Abdul Wahab ruled that the prosecution had established a prima facie case against Hanif Mohd Ali, 28.Hanif appeared calm when Zaki issued the order.Hanif was initially charged with murdering Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee, who was aged 7 then, at the hostel of SR Islam Al Furqan between 6pm and midnight on March 31 last year.Zaki said the court found that the prosecution had failed to establish a prima facie case against the accused for murder at the end of the prosecution's case."However, based on statements from witnesses, the court is satisfied that the accused had caused an injury to the victim, leading to his death."This means the prosecution had instead established a prima facie case against the accused for culpable homicide not amounting to murder."He said a post-mortem examination conducted on the victim showed that Saiful Syazani had succumbed to oxygen deficiency to the brain from intense compression to the neck.A total of 25 witnesses were called to testify.Deputy public prosecutors Noorin Badaruddin and Nadia Hanim Mohd Tajuddin prosecuted.Counsels Ariff Azami Hussein, Azizul Shariman Mat Yusoff, Zulmi Sabri and Mohd Fikri Abdul Rahman appeared for Hanif.Hanif will enter his defence today.New Straits Times, 6th March 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Local grads fall short of employers' expectations
KUALA LUMPUR ( March 4, 2012): Graduates emerging from the Malaysian education system are failing to meet the expectations of prospective employers due to a lack of critical thinking skills and poor communication.
This has resulted in employers having to provide additional training to fit them into their respective job scopes while many graduates have to accept employment that does not correspond with their qualifications.
Malaysian-based education, human resource and recruitment consultants feel there is a need for a sound foundation in critical thinking to be incorporated into the education system to prepare future generations for the employment market.
Manpower Staffing Services (M) Sdn Bhd country manager Sam Haggag said there is a distinct gap between what the Malaysian education system is producing and what employers are looking for.
"This has resulted in six out of 10 graduates from Malaysian universities taking as much as six months to find a job. The other 40 percent take even longer," said Haggag, whose company provides workforce solutions that include recruitment and training.
"Recruitment is a distinct challenge as the universities are churning out graduates who don't have the requisite skills to enter the workforce.
"From the manpower context, we find that seven out of 10 graduates who come to recruitment interviews fail the English [language] competency test set by our clients.
"The lack of proficiency in English limits their ability to communicate beyond the borders of Malaysia and this lowers their confidence and curtails their ability to add value in the workplace," he said in a statement.
Hong Leong Bank chief human resources officer Ramon Chelvarajasingam said many of the new graduates emerging from the Malaysian education system lack the critical thinking skills required to keep up in a world that is constantly changing and becoming increasingly competitive.
"New technologies and methodologies are forcing people to operate beyond their comfort zone. In our competitor nations, the young professionals are more advanced in critical thinking, innovation, thinking out of the box and have continuous development initiatives compared within Malaysia," he pointed out.
He added that today, most employers are looking for graduates with a high level of confidence who are exposed to niche areas outside of their academic studies.
"These new graduates won't give you textbook answers, but will, through their answers, display a global mindset and show understanding of moving trends in the world. Employers are usually prepared to pay a higher salary to get these 'global associates' onboard," Ramon said.
Prospect Consulting Sdn Bhd director Nina Adlan, who provides advisory services to educational institutions aiming to set up branch campuses in Malaysia, said she has observed 'a disconnect' between what graduates put down on their curriculum vitae and what they are like in reality.
"When we hire, we consider the way graduates converse and portray themselves to be more important than what's in the CV. What's the point in having good academic results when they can't communicate, can't conduct a proper conversation and have no confidence?" she said.
Haggag said one reason for the lack of confidence evident in young graduates is that educational institutions are not placing enough focus on equipping undergraduates with skills that will enable them to think out of the box and adapt to the demands of the working world.
"Among the reasons why those emerging from local education system do not meet employers' standards is the system itself. It is not dissimilar from that of the UK, which is teacher-centric and focuses on rote learning and swotting and places less emphasis on practical application. The system also focuses on individual achievement and less on team performance, so there aren't many opportunities for students to acquire interactive skills.
"It's the same in Malaysia, where the system is biased towards those who do well in exams, which is not necessarily the best way to gauge their employability," he added.
Ramon said education institutions need to create a 'learning environment' that combines an experiential approach and exposure to knowledge that extends beyond the scope of academic theory.
"Textbook stuff doesn't help them face the challenges of businesses that are constantly evolving. They need to be exposed to changing trends and behaviours, and to be taught skills like creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and adaptability.
"They also need to be taught how to be globally aware, which is how to link what they learn to what is happening around the world," he said.
Nina said if Malaysia is to produce more employable graduates with creative and problem-solving skills, all parties involved in education should work together to create a culture that places a high value on critical thinking and creativity to replace the current one which focuses on information transfer and academic results.
She pointed out that graduates who attend interviews more often than not are asked questions which require them to "think out of the box" which requires critical thinking ability.
An Internet check on the most frequently asked interview questions provides an insight into the "real world" out there.
With questions such as: What do you look for in a job? Why should we hire you? Define success at work? How do you feel that your education has prepared you for this job? to Why is a manhole cover round? Nina said the grounding, for the future generation to handle these and other questions and to be in a position to handle work situations without having to literally flip through a manual (if there is one), is to lay a strong foundation at the school level for them to be able to come up with strategies and solutions that can be unique and appropriate for each situation.
This, she insisted, would help pave the way to achieve Malaysia's quest to become a developed nation with the necessary manpower that would meet the industries' and the country's requirements. – Bernama
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Anwar mushy mushy

Sunday, January 29, 2012
Will Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim please stand up?

'Hang Tuah was my forefather'Mohd Khalid Husin claims he is a descendant of legendary warrior Hang TuahKUALA LUMPUR : THE saying "do not anger your ancestors" carries extra weight for Mohd Khalid Husin as one of his distant forefathers was none other than the legendary warrior, Hang Tuah , or so he claims.Khalid, 50, claimed that he and with his relatives were the descendants of Tun Perak, who was Hang Tuah's father-in-law."My late grandmother told me when I was a boy that our family was descendants from these historical figures."Khalid, who lived in the same village as Hang Tuah (Kampung Duyung), said it was through word of mouth that the knowledge of his family's lineage was preserved.He claimed that after Malacca had fallen to the Portuguese in 1511, the immediate family members of high-ranking officials, such as Bendahara Tun Perak and Hang Tuah, fled to avoid persecution."The Portuguese soldiers would kill anyone they believed to be Hang Tuah's kin, including those who were affiliated with Tun Perak."Those who remained kept the memories of their forefathers alive through word of mouth."Khalid's family had also kept a salasilah or a lineage record, which detailed their ancestors' names."There are almost 100 names on our salasilah, starting with Tun Sedang followed by Tun Kudu, Tun Perak and Tun Perpatih Puteh."My late grandmother's name is Haji Puteh," he told the New Straits Times yesterday.Khalid claimed that the original salasilah was finally written down in document-form during the British colonial era, and that the one they had constantly updated was only a copy.Khalid had also formed the Persatuan Sejarah dan Warisan Melayu Duyung, or Duyung History and Malay Heritage Association (Pesawad) in 2010, which he is the president of, in the hope to locate others who were also the descendants of Hang Tuah and Tun Perak."Hang Tuah was married and had children."After more than 500 years, there is bound to be a number of us scattered around the region."He said he had met with the others from all over the country, including Selangor, Johor and Singapore, adding that sometimes if the "connection was strong" between a seemingly distant relative, the sensation from a mere handshake was enough to convince him that the other person was also a blood kin.He also alleged that some of his cousins and extended family members had kept heirlooms -- trinkets and artifacts -- from the days of the Malaccan Sultanate."My cousin, who is also a descendant living in Singapore, has an old kris, which he said was passed from generation to generation after Tun Perak."Khalid also said that his grandfather had a copy of an "original" Hikayat Hang Tuah (The Hang Tuah Epic)."It was passed down from one generation to another, before my grandfather got his hands on it."Khalid said that, however, his grandfather had given the artifact to his brother in 1936."The contents were written in Jawi and the book was very old."When asked where was the book now, he claimed that his cousin had "given" the artifact to the National Archives because its condition was deteriorating.Khalid said he had announced his claims to members of the public when he formed Pesawad, but, so far, no one had come forward to investigate or argue with him with regards to Hang Tuah's existence."I welcome historians or academics to come and study or debate my family's lineage."
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Certain quarters wants to damage the reputation of NFCorp
Audit was on the project, not NFCorpKUALA LUMPUR: The Auditor-General said today the audit it conducted was on the National Feedlot Centre project, and not the company National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp).In a statement released on its website, Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang also said nowhere in the report did it refer to the NFC as being "in a mess", adding that those words were used by other parties.He also clarified that the audit analysis found that the objectives of the NFC were not fully realised due to several factors which have been explained in the Auditor-General's Report 2010. Among them, based on a implementation agreement signed in March 2010, the production target for NFC of 38,600 cattle for 2010 could not be achieved as the Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) which involves 130 satelite farm operators were yet to be implemented."If there are any elements of misappropriation in the implementation of the project, this should be revealed in the investigation of the authorities such as the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission," he said.Highlights of the Auditor-General statement:audit was on National Feedlot Centre's performance, not NFCorp the companyaudit analysis found that NFCentre had not fully met its objectivesthe Auditor-General's report did not meantion chaos, "in a mess" or misappropriation. These words were used by other parties and should not be attributed to the Auditor-General.from an audit perspective, there were weaknesses in the project's implementationthe audit on NFCentre project was done in an independent and professional manner, without prejudice to any partiesBelow is the full statement from the Auditor-General (in Bahasa):KENYATAAN AKHBAR OLEH KETUA AUDIT NEGARAPUSAT FIDLOT NASIONALEkoran laporan media mengenai beberapa isu yang menghubungkaitkan Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) dengan projek fidlot di Gemas, Jabatan Audit Negara ingin memberi penjelasan seperti berikut:2. Perkara yang menjadi fokus utama pengauditan prestasi yang dijalankan oleh JAN ialah pencapaian projek Pusat Fidlot Nasional (PFN) sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2006 dan bukannya National Feedlot Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (NFCorp.) sebagai sebuah syarikat. NFCorp. adalah syarikat yang berdaftar di bawah Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia di mana Kementerian Kewangan Diperbadankan memegang satu golden share bernilai RM1.Manakala modal berbayar berjumlah RM1.11 juta telah disumbangkan oleh Agroscience Industries Sdn. Bhd. Projek ini diaudit memandangkan ia penting dari segi pengeluaran makanan negara yang mana Kerajaan Malaysia telah memperuntukkan sejumlah wang yang besar berupa:i) Peruntukan di bawah Kementerian Pertanian Dan Industri Asas Tani (KPIAT) berjumlah RM73.64 juta di bawah RMKe-9 bagi menampung kos pembangunan dan pengoperasian. Daripada peruntukan ini, sejumlah RM48.71 juta telah dibelanjakan setakat akhir tahun 2010 oleh KPIAT untuk menyediakan tapak seluas 5,000 ekar bagi projek ini. Kawasan ini kemudiannya dikurangkan kepada 2,000 ekar sahaja.ii) Geran pelancaran untuk penyediaan infrastruktur berjumlah RM13 juta diluluskan kepada NFCorp. pada bulan September 2007 dan setakat akhir tahun 2010 sejumlah RM6.52 juta telah dibayar kepada NFCorp. untuk syarikat ini menyediakan infrastruktur seperti kandang dan jalan ladang.iii) Pinjaman mudah (soft loan) juga telah diluluskan kepada NFCorp. yang berjumlah RM250 juta menerusi satu perjanjian pinjaman yang telah ditandatangani pada Disember 2007.Setakat Mac 2010, sejumlah RM134.7 juta telah dikeluarkan kepada NFCorp. berdasarkan kepada tuntutan yang dibuat kepada Kementerian Kewangan.3. Tujuan pengauditan dilaksanakan adalah untuk menilai sama ada projek PFN telah dirancang dan dilaksanakan dengan teratur dan berhemat serta mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan. Pengauditan inimelibatkan semakan terhadap maklumat yang diperolehi daripada beberapa agensi Kerajaan seperti KPIAT, Kementerian Kewangan, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar dan juga daripada pegawai-pegawai NFCorp. semasa lawatan tapak dilakukan pada bulan Mac 2011. Berdasarkan analisis audit yang bersandarkan kepada maklumat tersebut, pemerhatian-pemerhatian audit telah dibuat secara bertulis untuk mendapatkan pengesahan dan maklum balas daripada pihak-pihak ini. Selain itu, perbincangan menerusi Exit Conference telah dibuat dengan wakil-wakil KPIAT sebagai Kementerian yang bertanggungjawab ke atas pelaksanaan projek ini sebelum laporan audit dimuktamadkan untuk dimuatkan ke dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara (LKAN) 2010.4. Analisis audit mendapati objektif projek PFN masih belum dicapai sepenuhnya. Ini disebabkan berbagai faktor yang dihuraikan dalam LKAN 2010. Antaranya, mengikut perjanjian pelaksanaan yang ditandatangani pada bulan Mac 2010, sasaran pengeluaran PFN iaitu 38,600 ekor lembu untuk tahun 2010 belum dicapai kerana Entreprenuer Development Program (EDP) yang melibatkan 130 pengusaha ladang satelit belum dilaksanakan lagi.5. Jika dibaca keseluruhan LKAN 2010 itu, tidak ada pun disebut perkataan-perkataan seperti kucar kacir, 'in a mess' atau pun penyelewengan. Perkataan-perkataan ini telah digunakan oleh pihak-pihak lain dan JAN tidak sepatutnya dipertanggungjawabkan. Pada pendapat JAN, sama ada terdapat unsur-unsur penyelewengan dalam pelaksanaan projek ini terpulanglah kepada penyiasatan pihak berkuasa seperti Polis Diraja Malaysia danSuruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.6. Pada perspektif audit, sememangnya terdapat beberapa kelemahan dalam pelaksanaan projek ini. Jikalau tidak, mengapa pada bulan Mei 2009 (sebelum pengauditan dijalankan), Kerajaan perlu menangguhkan pelaksanaan PFN sehingga satu kajian viability and business model (model perniagaan) dijalankan bagi projek ini?. Perkara ini ada dinyatakan dalam LKAN 2010. Ianya membayangkan Kerajaan Malaysia sememangnya sedar akankelemahan-kelemahan dalam pelaksanaan projek ini dan telah pun mengambil tindakan untuk menentukan hala tuju projek ini.7. JAN ingin menjelaskan bahawa pengauditan terhadap projek PFN ini telah dibuat secara bebas dan profesional tanpa sebarang prejudis kepada mana-mana pihak. Sebarang kenyataan yang mempertikaikan kewibawaan dan integriti juruaudit JAN adalah dikesali.Putrajaya25 Januari 2012
NFCorp's Salleh wants Auditor-General to clarifyKUALA LUMPUR: The National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) said it was not the entity highlighted in the the Auditor-General's report.Its chairman Datuk Mohamad Salleh Ismail, said there was a confusion between NFCorp and the National Feedlot Centre (NFC)."It is the centre which is in a 'mess' and not the company I'm heading. My company is meeting the target," he said when contacted by the New Straits Times yesterday.When asked why he had not clarified this earlier, Salleh said he had only realised that the two had been confused when investigations began on the centre and the company.Salleh said he had written to Auditor-General's Department two weeks ago to highlight this matter."I hope they issue an official statement soon to clarify this."This matter has been going on for so long and various quarters have given their views, I just want this to be cleared."Asked who owns the centre, Salleh said: "The centre is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry."Earlier, Salleh, who is the husband to Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, had called for a meeting with Perkasa and 11 other NGO's to brief them on the NFCorp.Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali said he was satisfied with the briefing given by Salleh and urged the Auditor-General to be fair to everyone by making a formal announcement on the matter.He added that the Auditor-General's Department may have made a small mistake when preparing the national audit report as not all staff "were trained equally well"."When they did the report, there were some elements that were accurate and some not so accurate because of weaknesses of the officers."However, Ibrahim stressed that he was not taking sides and that he would leave it to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the police to carry out a proper investigation into NFCorp's finances.He added that Perkasa will stand by the results of the probe by authorities, pointing out that it was the group's responsibility to fight abuse of power and corruption.On Friday, it was reported that, the Attorney-General's Chambers had returned the investigation papers on the NFCorp to the police.In confirming the matter, its head of prosecution, Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah, said it wanted the police to investigate the case further."The police had delivered the report to us on Tuesday, but we have since returned the papers," Majid had told the New Straits Times.The police had, on Monday, completed their investigation after recording 54 statements, including those from NFC.The controversy surrounding NFC started after the 2010 Auditor-General's Report described the project as "messy" and had failed to meet government targets.NFC is the meat-valley project in Gemas, Negri Sembilan, aimed at increasing the production of meat and reducing dependency on import for such products.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Provocation to create another riot

Report lodged over attack at ABU talkKUALA LUMPUR (Jan 24, 2012): The Anything But Umno (ABU) movement lodged a police report today over an atack by a group of youth during a talk in Klang on Saturday.The attack occured at the Shah Alam City Council hall at Jalan Kebun leaving a 33-year-old member of the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) badly injured. Hindraf was the co-organiser of the event.The attack was also captured on video by those present.Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin, lodged the police report at noon at the Dang Wangi police station here.He told reporters later that the police should investigate the incident and determine who were the culprits behind the attack.Badrul Hisham, who is better known as Chegubard said members of the movement had spotted several of the attackers having a friendly chat with the police after the incident.He claimed he had information that those behind the violence were Umno members."We are lodging the police report here because we have lost faith in Klang police who appeared to have done nothing to nab the attackers. We are confident the higher level in the police will look into this matter seriously. We are also taking this up with Suhakam today," he said.Hindraf national coordinator W.Sambulingam said he was not shocked by the attack as his group had constantly faced such aggression from uniformed or plainclothes police personnel and other agent provocateurs."The video footages are evidence and the people can determine for themselves who are the aggressors when we hold such talks and gatherings. We do not condone violence." he addedAlso present at the police station was ABU coordinator Haris Ibrahim and PSM secretary- general S Arutchelvan.It is learnt that the report lodged by Badrul will be handed over to Selangor police for investigations.