Wake UP!
Let us remember what had caused the 13th May 1969 riot. Malay must not forget. The culprit behind it wants the Malays to forget so that they can do it all over again. E mail me any info about DAP, PAS and PKR at: life.is.not.a.fairy.tale.dude@gmail.com

Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Security Offences (Special Measures) Bill 2012 to replace ISA 1960
Monday, April 16, 2012
Don't Ask For PTPTN Loan If You Are Unclever

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Reject Zionism and Communism

An article by Beruang Biru
RADIO Kedah yesterday aired an interview with PKR's MP from Sungai Petani Johari Abdul who claimed that Pakatan Rakyat could still maintain its power in Kedah, even without votes from the Indians.
The statement showed how arrogant and proud Johari Abdul is with the current power of PKR in Kedah that he looked down on the capabilities of Indian voters and their contributions towards the development of the state.
We all know that Kedah is one of the states that would come back to Barisan Nasional, not because of BN's power, but it is due to the failure of both PAS and Pakatan Rakyat in keeping a good record, to be compared to BN during the previous years.
They sure did talk a lot, but nothing was ever done as everyone were fighting to be the Chief Minister.
Back when they were the opposition, sure, they could say just about anything. But when they do became the government, then they knew how hard it is to run a state.
Even if there is any 'contribution' that is worth remembering made by PAS in Kedah, rakyat could have thanked them with the constant flash floods due to rampant forest clearing (especially timbers) in Kedah since PAS took over.
Even though we knew that the statement made by Johari Abdul was triggered by his rage over Padang Srai's MP, N. Gobalakrishnan who announced that he quits from PKR in the previous year, but it is not wise for him to inflict his rage over the Indian community in Kedah.
Even a single votes would make a lot of difference during an election at that area.
Johari Abdul did realize that his case along with the trio, Datuk T during the case of the sex clip that involves Anwar Ibrahim, his image was slightly scratched, for supporting Anwar that is. He may seemed 'loyal', but he is quite sneaky behind Anwar.
This is why the value of Johari Abdul from being nominated as a candidate for MP for the coming General Election has decreased. He is aware of that, so that is why he is making statements that could put damage over PKR from both the inside and the outside.
But, it is sad that the Indian community became part of the subject for him to sabotage PKR.
Indians from the state of Kedah should consider the statement made by Johari Abdul to evaluate on who should they choose during the coming GE. It is sad if they are looked down by the ruling party when the fact is, the Indians play such big role in this nation, and this of course, include Kedah as well - even if their population at the state is small.